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April 15, 2005
It's that time of year when we get to find out our pay awards. The usual, nervous point of the year, waiting for the boss to call you off into a side room and deliver the bad news. So after Tony, my department head, had had his chat with my line manager, Mike, it wasn't long before I was called in yesterday afternoon for our chat. I wasn't expecting much, beyond another raft of targets and discussion about what I wanted to achieve over the coming year.
Well, I've been bowled over this year I've been promoted
And a payrise as well
Not at all what I expected, and a complete surprise Which led nicely into my objective setting for the year. And yes, you've guessed it, I was so surprised with the promotion, I've agreed to everything. Except I can't actually remember what my objectives are. I'll be reading them very carefully come next week when it's published, make sure Mike and Tony haven't snuck something in whilst I wasn't concentrating
So, beers are on me this weekend lads
Posted by alan at April 15, 2005 01:15 PM
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