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April 30, 2005
Late Spring Clean
Chose to spend the day in the house. So much so that I didn't even unlock the front door
Lots and lots sorted through, stuff I'd not wanted to do before today. 2 large bags of paperwork and stuff for the tip. And several clear draws and shelfs for more stuff out of the other rooms to be moved into here and out of the way
Been quite emotional at times. Reading through stuff, and remembering when and what happened. Lots of photo's I'd not realised I had, which brought back lots more good memories.
In many ways, a trip down memory lane. Some of the stuff from waaay back I didn't even realise I'd kept. Stuff you must think at the time will one day prove useful, and never does. So lots of that has gone out, to be donated and recycled.
Off now for a relaxing bath, and then see what's on telly. Although I suspect it'll be a DVD night again, since there doesn't seem to be anything worthwhile on normal tv. And I'm not spending more money for digital when I hardly watch telly as it is. Plus, and this is a work plug, I'm sooooooo busy at the mo', I can't find the time to watch tv
Posted by alan at April 30, 2005 04:00 PM
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