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May 17, 2005

Happy Day

The end of the day hath arrived. And what a day, a real rollercoaster. Started off not really wanting to get out of bed, the sun shining, and the warmth of a long lie-in was just too much temption. Then the phone rang, and I had to get up ;-)

After Lynne and Jo arrived, Jules aunt and cousin, we went up to the cemetry with some flowers, and the flower tub I'd refilled with Forget-Me-Nots, and a load of bedding plants. All blue ones, naturally, of course :-D

Then, off to the Lytton Arms for sausage and mash, Jules favourite, and a pint of Tring Brewery Mansion Mild, in preparation for the technical visit in a few weeks (get your bookings in, usual email address ;-)).

And finally, after saying goodbye to Lynne and Jo, a quick "Old man's snooze", before Stu called to say everyone was off down the Fisherman, freshly refurbished, for some dinner and drinks.

All in all, a good day. A chance for us all to remember, smile, and be happy. I know that's what Jules would've expected ;-).

And a big thank you to everyone who sent me emails, cards, and text messages. It's nice to know you're all thinking about me, as much as I'm thinking about you ;-)

Some pics in the extended bit...


Lots and lots of flowers have been put up there, from lots of people :-D

The plaque on the bench :-D

Hopefully the photo gives you an idea of what it's like up there, the sun shining brightly :-D

Posted by alan at May 17, 2005 11:42 PM

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