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August 19, 2005
Mo Mowlam dies
I remember, when searching for answers and comfort, how we discovered Mo Mowlam's illness, and how Jules took support from it. Here was a woman who, despite it all, got on with living life. So, the news today that she's lost her fight came as a shock and an upset
She was an amazing woman, being what I consider one of, if not the catalyst for change in Northern Ireland. Stories of her breaking the ice by removing her wig during heated debates, taking a more relaxed approach to being driven around Northen Ireland during the troubles, and supposedly telling Gerry Adams during one meeting to, "Bloody well get on and do it, otherwise I'll head-butt you!"
"Everyone has got to give a little. No-one is going to get 100% of what they want. If everybody is willing to accept some change, we can do it"
It just brings further to focus on how common cancer is becoming, with famous people like Caron Keating, Emlyn Hughes, and BBC News' Online science and technology writer, Ivan Noble all eventually succombing to it Family and friends who are fighting and winning, and sadly also loosing
Thankfully there are more and more strides towards finding cures, most recently the announcement that Aspirin 'cuts bowel cancer risk'.
No news on Richard Burns progress in his battle with a brain tumour (Astrocytoma).
"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present."
Posted by alan at August 19, 2005 02:07 PM
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