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September 15, 2005
Popping Up
Not sure if this is why, but I've noticed a couple of times now that pop-ups are appearing on the site. Digging a little into the Terms for Nedstat's counter, it appears that it could be them
With the installation of Webstats4U on the site it is accepted that WMS has the right to place advertisements on the site in any format or through any channel, including but not limited to e-mail, layer ads, pops, banners and other usual formats without any forewarning and it is furthermore accepted that WMS takes no responsibility for the advertising content and that WMS shall not be liable for any losses incurred regarding this advertising.
So, if you're getting random pop-ups when you come to the site, or leave, can you post me a comment. And if it gets beyond a joke, I'll look elsewhere for a counter

Posted by alan at September 15, 2005 01:18 PM
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Yeh, Ive just had a ph ucker.
Posted by: Ian (Al's Bruv) at September 19, 2005 06:09 PM
Yeah, there's something going on with Nokia by the looks, as I keep getting asked if, "I want to get a life"
Posted by: Al at September 20, 2005 09:28 AM
Huh? I thought you had one as soon as Mum and Dad "had some cuddles"
Posted by: Ian (Al's Bruv) at September 20, 2005 05:35 PM