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November 14, 2005
Just Be More Vigilant
Reading on the BBC about Government plans to improve rail security. It's not surprising, but the conclusions are that it's not really possible to implement an Airport style security system on the trains. Sure, some of the bigger stations, and maybe important points on the Underground. But there's so much open track, unmanned stations, that it'll be easy for someone with the determination to get into the system if they so wished.
So, why not just sell the idea of us all being just a little more vigilant. Maybe take the time to notice your surrondings when you get on. That bag that no-one seems to be interested in. Or the suitcase that someone appears to have left in a hurry. All innocent things, but it scares me even now how everyone seems to look the other way, "Not my problem..."
Of course, they could reintroduce guards, manned stations, and the like. But we're not willing to pay that little bit extra on the ticket price for those added securities.
Better off in the car, at least it's safe...
Posted by alan at November 14, 2005 12:41 PM
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