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December 09, 2005
Knowing Me, Knowing You...
On a fairly irregular basis I get an email through asking various personal and off-tangent questions. The purpose, supposedly, to give the sender an insight into the inner thoughts of those it's sent to.
I've been doing my part, filling it in, and sending back out. And the last lot got a far bigger response than before. Maybe it's the slowdown this time of year. Or, maybe everyone's got nothing to do at the mo?
Either way, some fascinating facts have returned:
Most cry at least once a month
Everybody loves me

Women take a lot from what kind of shoes a man wears
Sense of humour counts for most
Of course, some took a slightly more light hearted approach. Ian, on answering whether he'd a crush on anyone at the moment, replied, "Yes, my brother, coz I'm sat on him..."
Owh, and I've found a woman who likes Sloe Gin, which will cheer up some readers I'm sure
Posted by alan at December 9, 2005 12:34 PM
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