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April 18, 2006
Cracking On
So, with the sun shining, birds singing, I knew today would be a good day to have off work. Thank goodness I got in early and booked it
Up and into town early, to sort out all my glasses. Sod's law, one breaks, you grab the spare pair, and, yup, they break too Then to the library, sorry, WH Smith, for some light reading. The latest issue of Model Aircraft Monthly having a complete guide to model Spitfires by our local expert, Trevor "Airfix" Snowden
Also some reviews of the latest Spits from Airfix, which have been receiving mixed comment on the various online forums. Needless to say, having gotten the freebie last year, a 1/48th Seafire, I'm getting back into admiring the beauty of the Spitfire as an icon of design. New shelves for the office me thinks
I also chose to walk everywhere today. Having not been down the gym due to this annoying tickly cough, it's been over 8-9 weeks since I've done any serious exercise. And after yesterday and Sunday's walks with Dawn and George the dog, I thought it's about time I got my aerobic stamina back up to something like.
All in all a fulfilling day, lots done, lots more bags filled, and some sort of order back in the house. And, for a change, I'm looking forward to the first day back into work tomorrow
Posted by alan at April 18, 2006 07:04 PM
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