Lazy Sunday - NOT!

Well, the bruv's have arrived, with sofa's, and TV's, and thirst!

I'm sitting out the way whilst Ian sorts the bedroom out, all "Changing Rooms" style, and Nige gets on with the living room.

I've 2 single seat sofa's from Mum's to replace the 2 seater we had. Which I must admit does give the feeling of more room in the living room, even if there isn't actually more room. The bedroom is being rearranged as I type, Ian's stuffing the bed in the far corner so that there's more floor space, "....for guests". Hmmm, so there's reasons behind all this - more room for everyone to crash when they come down, eh ;-)

About Alan Bell

Lapsed: electronic engineer, scout leader, project controller.
Now: Oracle Primavera training consultant, business support manager, occasional website designer.

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