Bye Auntie Mo

Today's my Auntie Maureen's funeral. It's depressing, in some ways, that events like this bring together people you've not seen for such a long time. It's the first time in ages I've seen both my uncles together, and a whole raft of old school and family friends. As with Jules funeral, it's a timely reminder that you really need to get round to doing things today, and not tomorrow or the next. Make the effort more often, as you never know how often often will be.

The conclusion of the day? Well, we're home getting changed, then all back round to Mike's house for a party into the wee small hours. We wont' forget, we'll celebrate. It's what she wanted, and insisted.

About Alan Bell

Lapsed: electronic engineer, scout leader, project controller.
Now: Oracle Primavera training consultant, business support manager, occasional website designer.

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