In the news:
BBC News - Bitter end at Boddingtons brewery
I remember when I was going around Universities choosing where to go, I was somewhat influenced by UMIST's pitch since it seemed to revolve around going to the brewery and having a few beers, " the name of scientific research...".
Shame that it's gone, but now in the days of artifical water, beer can be brewed anywhere these days, or so they reckon.
Now Alan,
you know that isn't true. Boddies wouldn't be the same with water from Lancashire and heaven forbid water from Wales! or "artificial" water. We'll shipping Yorkshire water to make Boddies next. Remember Tetleys when it was made in ?Warrington? nothing like the proper stuff.
I very much doubt that SuperBrewers will go to the trouble of recreating the exact make up of the Boddies water that comes from a spring beneath the brewery! Ho hum, another nail hammered in the name of globalisation...