I ended up staying at work for much longer than I planned today. But I'd got into a conversation with my line manager about what I'm doing, what does it all mean, and the career path of work.
Now, career is, I think, a strange use of the English language. To career means to go swiftly or wildly. So, by definition, you need to move on at a pace, and make noise as you're going. Well, maybe not, but it does sound like that if you take it to the extreme.
The advice is, move on when you can and don't get stuck in a rut. And leave for something else, but come back, as this will guarantee more money, and a breadth of knowledge which you can plough back into the business.
My apprasial comes up in a couple of weeks, so that'll be an interesting conversation. As for moving on, as you'll no doubt notice, the website is updated, and there should be a downloadable CV on there soon.