Didn't get back from Liverpool 'til 3am. Freezing cold, and probably the worst coach trip ever. The driver wouldn't allow any drinking, eating or smoking, due to problems with the last trip. So we stopped at practically every services between Hull and Liverpool.
Great band, although heavy rock isn't really my cup of tea. And a Subway next door, so supper/tea wasn't a problem
Pictures of the night in the extended bit
Tez grabs a sneaky smoke whilst we stop for the first of many breaks at motorway services.
Kev's already hit a high, and we've not even got there yet
Nige and Ebo are frozen to the spot, in what could only be described as sub-zero temperatures.
Ebo's face says it all, we were really happy at the way the journey was panning out.....NOT
It took a while for Tez to defrost, we had to carry him into The Cavern and stand him under the strong lights to warm him back up.
It seemed that Kev's facial expression had also stuck from earlier.
Without realising, Ebo managed to melt Nige's eye with his LASER ear.
Ebo always thought he was the second coming, and tonight he was proved right....
The gig finished, we set off home on the coach. Tez was still so cold from before that we had to leave him, cig in hand, by the roadside in the hope that when the sun rose that morning he'd defrost and be able to thumb a lift home.
"No, I'm really calling the Police, Tez, and you're going down for a long stre-w-tch"....