The Morning After The Night Before

What a night last night :-{ :-O ;-)

A complete surprise on walking into The Proverbial - both Nige and Ian had come down :-D Which mean't the night wasn't going to be as quiet as first planned ;-)

Once everyone had arrived, we went across to the curry house, then around 9pm I think, (my memory's going, must be the old age!) we went back across the road to the pub. Home by closing time, and up again this morning to wave them off at 6am.

I'm now waking back up to sort the car - a radiator hose decided to blow off late yesterday afternoon whilst pumping up the tyres on the other Golfs :-( Won't say whether it'll be an easy job or not, as that'll just be tempting fate.

About Alan Bell

Lapsed: electronic engineer, scout leader, project controller.
Now: Oracle Primavera training consultant, business support manager, occasional website designer.

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