Story on the BBC Online News site about the Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy:
BBC NEWS Technology Hitchhiker's guide in your pocket
The mobile version can be found at H2G2 The Guide.
I remember first meeting Douglas Adams at a science fair with Jonathan. We bumped into him whilst trying to find the venue. He was running around, trying to work out where it was, the same as us. The conversation went something like this:
DA: "Where's the lecture theatre for the such-and-such talk?"
Us: "Oh, we're going there, Douglas Adams is speaking"
DA: "Yes, I know, I'm Douglas Adams, how do you do."
The TV series was a big part of childhood, I think the original tape it was recorded onto wore out from the constant viewing.
The new film is due out in May, so I'll be making sure I've my Orange Wednesday tickets sorted for that