A looong day today. After Nige turned up last night, surprise, surprise, it was an early start this morning. He'd popped down with the bearings for the washing machine, but more importantly, he was off to Surrey to get wings for his Merc. And very new and nice they look too Will make the job of sorting it much easier and quicker now.
So, into work for a meeting, at which I was presenting the latest for Primavera and release 5.0. More of an overview of what it can do, with hints on the new stuff it'll bring. Hopefully we'll have a beta copy to play with, once we've got the IT side in gear and it installed. That'll give me and Mike some more to do over the next few weeks
Then, snuck the afternoon off to sort the washing machine. First bearing change I've done, and it went without a hitch. Couldn't find some of the tools at first, but eventually got there. And had a quiet dinner whilst it whirred away. None of the banging and crunching of last week
Seminar tonight too, and I'm buzzing again, if you haven't already noticed from the typing Put alot back into perspective, and had some good conversations with the group and others there. Problem is, I'm now at home, 10 to midnight, and really don't feel like sleeping
Gotta get off to bed, it's going to be a long weekend.