Met up with Phil after work today. Because his new job has random drug and alcohol tests (DNA tests to the uninitiated ), it's difficult for him to come over for a Woodmand session during the day. And it pretty much leaves weekend's. And now he's earning silly amounts of money, it's finding a weekend he's not jetting away somewhere with his better half
All seems good for him, wedding plans are under way, and work is settling down now he's got his feet under the desk. And a payrise, only a couple of grand, is due soon. So another night out to celebrate I think
Cheered me up, and set me up for what I feel is going to be a corking weekend A round of golf, possibly, with Nicky, very much weather dependent. Sorting out all those unanswered emails from the last week, finding out the latest on Tessa's mega party, maybe catching up with Becky, and a load of gardening to boot
It's gunna be a busy one