Had a phonecall last week from the bank, asking if I would like to make an appointment with the bank manager. Well, I say ask, it was more a case, "We've made an appointment, and were wondering if you can make...." 
So, dreaded going there last Friday. Finances are in a bit of a state, and I've been using my overdraft a little more often than I'd like the last few months. Recent things have helped, such as my promotion and payrise at work, and what appears, touch wood, to be a successful run on my share portfolio - ok!, it's only one company, you'd never guess who, but it's my first foray into the stock market 
Spent last Thursday evening sorting all my spreadsheets, statements, and spending curves, so I was well prepared for what I expected to be an onslaught of sales for various financial services I didn't need. So, it came as a pleasent surprise that they had, in fact, been monitoring things and were worried that, I quote, their "No.1 customer"
, was going off the rails a little.
2 hours later and I've a loan to consolidate all my debits, monthly payments that are manageable rather than crippling, and further appointments to explain why I appear to be paying for 3 life insurance policies, and how they can save me money on my house insurance. The later I'm looking forward to, as they're the people I've got my current insurance through. "Oh, well, that quote's over the phone, and we can always get you a better deal in the branch...." And considering the rate I've got for my loan, I've got to believe it 
And the downside? The bank now owns me, well, at least for the next 7 years
I'll be 40 when it's all paid off...