Splitting Apart?

Reading the aerospace news this morning, and it appears Airbus is considering splitting up.

So, is it surprising to read another big multinational is thinking about splitting apart? Have we seen the end of big firms, with bits being hived off into suppliers which can then try and find work elsewhere, a bit like Visteon, for example? It'll be interesting to see what does happen with Airbus, and also the effect change at Daimler Chrysler will have, since they're a large shareholder of EADS, Airbu's parent.

Also, what's happening to BAE SYSTEMS? Shares have been rocketing the last few weeks. I'm guessing it's the predictability of performance, the last few reports marry up with their predictions. All I'm waiting for is June, when my Sharesave cashes in and I'm no longer financially tied in. Doubt I'll be able to retire on it tho.

About Alan Bell

Lapsed: electronic engineer, scout leader, project controller.
Now: Oracle Primavera training consultant, business support manager, occasional website designer.

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