In Paris once more, with work. Meetings tomorrow, and then back on the Eurostar to Blighty early evening. Best bit is finding another hotel with WiFi 
Had a late night last night, celebrating someone's birthday, well, when I always thought it was, demolishing a few of the single malts collected over Christmas (hmm, Burns night soon
). Jerry Mcguire was on UK Living, I know, unusual for that channel to be showing films. It's another one I'm sure I've seen, but there was bits I didn't remember.
It's a film I've added to my Must get on DVD list, for birthday and Christmas ideas when I get asked. And it had a whole load of meanings to come away with.
For example, life is really all your own. You make the choices and decisions, no-one else can be blamed. Make sure the choice is the right choice, and not the right now choice. Everyone has friends, but you only have a few true friends. What looks right, now, might not be what's right for ever. But don't get all het up about making a right now choice, just make sure all concerned are clear that it's a moment, and not the future or for the rest of your life.