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August 25, 2003
Jules ' throat is getting better, and she's able to open her mouth more. To the point yesterday that she can now say some words, although still needs her pen and pad to write things out.
Coz Eee's down it was a short visit so we could get down the pub. Jules was none the too happy about this, screaming, "Smirnoff, Bacardi Breezer, Pub!!", and nearly half way out the bed, asking for her slippers and dressing gown.
As before I think she needs to take her time recovering, and that means in bed, and not down the pub. Besides, the drip lines wouldn't reach
Posted by alan at August 25, 2003 5:09 PM
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Catch up with you tomorrow, Al as Ruby and me have been up in N.Yorks all weekend. The "2005 wed" could be Ruth's wedding(or yours?) Give Jules our love and tell her we're not going to Turkey until September next year, so she's got more time to get ready.
Posted by: geoff at August 25, 2003 7:02 PM