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September 28, 2003
I'm going to miss it
Getting ready to make the journey down to London to see Jules , listening to Sting - Never Come Home, and the bit with the WHOOOSSH train noise gets me thinking.
I'm going to miss the standing around waiting for a train at Kings Cross. Don't get me wrong, it's frustrating as invariably you just miss a train as you get there. But the announcements make up for it all.
In the old days, you knew what to expect, there was rules on what would and could be said, an unwritten law... "The next train..", "Passengers awaiting the 9 o'clock...." etc... Well, things have changed, and for the better I believe. On several occasions I've heard the announcements take a very different tone:
"For all the passengers waiting on platform 8 for the 21:00 service to Newcastle, you really aren't getting it, are you? I'm not going to announce the departing platform until you're all standing on the concourse area, as instructed."
"For passengers waiting on the next WAGN service, I've no real idea on what's happening, so please keep an eye on the concourse departure boards, and as soon as we know what's going on, we'll let you know."
A human announcer, I just hope he wasn't on his last week, and is still cheering up some of us more relaxed travellers

Posted by alan at September 28, 2003 3:07 PM
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