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February 12, 2004
Speak Proper
At last a website is being set up to promugate the Queens English, as it should be spoken.
BBC NEWS England West Yorkshire Dialect archive put on t'internet
Nowt wrong wi' that

Posted by alan at February 12, 2004 12:12 PM
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Speak Propa? You Nor-vern Munkees dan't 'ave a scooby doo about talkin' propa!
Posted by: Carl (Maria's Hubby) at February 13, 2004 10:42 AM
hello deary, what a splendid comment carl put. I know how to speak properly! How about we go for a spiffing game of golf next week and then afterwards we could all have a tea party on the ceiling. What do you say? And mum said never mind your northern monkey accent, what about appreciating the refinements of our southern fairy stevenage accent hey?
Posted by: Laura (Jules' Sis) at February 16, 2004 10:09 PM
hello deary, what a splendid comment carl put. I know how to speak properly! How about we go for a spiffing game of golf next week and then afterwards we could all have a tea party on the ceiling. What do you say? And mum said never mind your northern monkey accent, what about appreciating the refinements of our southern fairy stevenage accent ey? o'rite matey?
Posted by: Laura (Jules' Sis) at February 16, 2004 10:11 PM
Sorry about that, blondeness getting to me, the second comment is right, sorry matey!
Posted by: Laura (Jules' Sis) at February 16, 2004 10:12 PM