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April 8, 2004
They're Here!
The bruv's have just arrived so I'm off to put on the kettle and sort out some tea, or takeaway, which ever tickles their fancy.
No point going to the pub now, as it'll be chucking out in just over an hour. And we don't want to spoil ourselves for tomorrow night Besides which, I've gotta be over Stotfold by 8am to sort out stuff for Tuesday
Will I be up in time?
Jules, her hearing atuned to the rustle of paper, just knows there's something chocolatey around
Jules mum, Janet, had brought in a very large slice of chocolate cake, baked by a friend at work
And it wasn't long before Jules was demolishing it
Licking her lips, and it's all gone
Then it's onto the medicines, and a drink to wash the lot down.
Posted by alan at April 8, 2004 10:13 PM
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