Fallout From Last Night | Main | Tidy Day
April 11, 2004
Chris Cooking
Well, he would've done if the shops had been open. Instead we went to the Fisherman and had a meal there. And nice it was too, with lots of beer and then pink champagne back at Janet's courtesy of Chris and Yuen. Then taxi back, and bed, well, in a few minutes.
Jules was really quite washed out today, not very chatty at all. And the right side of her face is swelling quite bad too But she's still happy, nothing seems to be bothering her. And after a long run of visitors today it's not too surprising she's tired out. She'd be getting a break from everything tomorrow, except that it's a bank holiday so I'm allowed to pop in
Got the rest of the curd cake to finish off, so I think I'll nip over on my own and the pair of us can finish it off together
Posted by alan at April 11, 2004 11:58 PM
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