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August 31, 2003
She's Got Meningitis!
As Jules said tonight, it's just another thing to add to the list. It's not the serious strain, as it's affecting her meninges, not her blood, and isn't contagious. Phew! But it does explain her rather "rambling" nature the past few days.
Some info on Meningitis:
Meningitis Research Foundation - About The Diseases
Meningococcal disease
Meningitis (cerebrospinal meningitis)
NINDS Encephalitis and Meningitis Information Page
Posted by alan at 11:06 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
August 30, 2003
Wooo Hoooo!
Jules is chatting away, seems soooo much more with it than the last few nights. Still has swelling and possible infection, but she's less delirious than the last couple of nights. And she said "Mum". She also seems to have fallen in love with strawberry yoghurt and Patrick, the guy who feed's her it, hmmmm.
She'll be eating normal food, albet mashed up, tomorrow, so things are improving once more.
I've my orders, a comprehensive shopping list, so I'm off to do that tomorrow.
Posted by alan at 9:48 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
All Change!
Spent today doing everything around the house, clean the car, and sort it out.
Now bored, so have played a bit with the weblog. What ya think of the colours?
(BTW if nothing's changed, try ctrl&refresh)
Posted by alan at 1:31 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack
August 29, 2003
A Meaningless Stream...
Jules is talking no end now, but it's all a mess. Something about Caroline being shit (?), Thursday morning before how much, socks and slippers, and repeating most things you say.
She's also talking in French and Italian. Oh, and a friend's taught her a rude word too.
Confused? Scared shitless more like
Posted by alan at 11:17 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 28, 2003
Tonight's Word
Jules kept writing:
I don't know, we don't know. Until things move on no-one can say what damage is permanent, and what will go with time.
The doc's are saying it'll be upto 18 months before Jules is fully recovered.
Guess that's 2004 out the window then.
Oh, and this didn't help tonight either - Power cut causes chaos - have just walked in, having spent another night on "Random Rail", the new franchise holders of WAGN.
Posted by alan at 11:50 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Home Tomorrow...
Or at least, last time she would've been.
Posted by alan at 2:34 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 27, 2003
My First Words...
Jules is now slowly starting to speak, mostly one off words, and mumbles. But tonight she said a complete sentence:
"Life's a bastard!"
Not exactly what I was expecting, but a good sign none the less.
Posted by alan at 10:22 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 26, 2003
Thank You!
Jules ">
I've just finished another night on the 'phones. Jules is giving the thumbs up to all your messages of support, and hopefully in a few days will be able to give me some words to put up, from the horses mouth as they say!
Big hugs and kisses from us both!
Posted by alan at 9:45 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Scientific Bit
A bit of a scare this morning, but nothing to worry about, a drain has been plugged in to Jules head to relieve any unnecessary pressure. Job done.
But, and there's always a but...
The registrar and consultant have looked at the CT scan in detail and explained what they think has happened, and the definates and maybe's of Jules ' condition. Click away.
Can't Talk
Possible sore throat, and as the day's go by her voice is coming back. She can say singular words, but the effort is straining her. Most communication is via a pad and pen, which will be a useful record for her when she recovers further.
Can't Stop Peeing
As a result of the removal of the pituitary stalk, Jules is suffering from diabetes insipidus. The disruption of the pituitary gland has caused it to stop producing a substance called ADH (anti-diuretic hormone). ADH is one of many hormones produced by the pituitary gland and causes the kidneys to hold on to free water. When ADH is not produced, the kidneys make abundant dilute urine. If it's not monitored closely her serum sodium will rise and her mental status may be affected more than she normally is. Once she's out of hospital a nasal spray will be the provider of ADH.
No Leftside Movement
After the CT scan today it's now certain that Jules has brain damage. How much, how permanent, is an unknown. But it's likely from the lack of movement down her left side that it's something to do with her motor control for the left. Only time and physio will tell.
In Summary
Jules is going to be on hormones and ADH replacement for the rest of her life. Returning to work I can't see happening before next Easter, if at all. The brain damage will be apparent in the coming weeks as she recovers from the op. Life is going to be hard, but being the positive fighter she is, it's going to take a lot more to knock her back.
Posted by alan at 8:56 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
A Little Drowzy
The hospital have rung to say Jules has been a little drowzy over night. A CT scan is being done, and they'd like us to be down as soon as possible to chat to the consultant.
Nothing serious I don't think, but means another day out the office.
Posted by alan at 8:02 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 25, 2003
Jules ' throat is getting better, and she's able to open her mouth more. To the point yesterday that she can now say some words, although still needs her pen and pad to write things out.
Coz Eee's down it was a short visit so we could get down the pub. Jules was none the too happy about this, screaming, "Smirnoff, Bacardi Breezer, Pub!!", and nearly half way out the bed, asking for her slippers and dressing gown.
As before I think she needs to take her time recovering, and that means in bed, and not down the pub. Besides, the drip lines wouldn't reach
Posted by alan at 5:09 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
August 24, 2003
...and Another Night
Having got back from London it was time to let the hair down and Ian to cheer me up with some Old Town Action!
Drinks, pool, and clubbin' all on order! Pics of the night in the extended bit, click away.
Ian "playing" pool.
Ian's "Pint Glass in Gob" party trick.
More drinks please (although not tooo sure what they are?)
Ian's gone...
I'm not far behind...
... Chris is just a smilin' wreck.
... and now Ian's face is melting, a-la Coldplay vid stylie...
Posted by alan at 11:55 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Oh, One Other Thing...
All night she was spelling out by hand:
2 - 5 w - e - d
and writing:
2005 wed
Any clues what she's on about?
Posted by alan at 10:16 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Another Day...
We went to see Jules last night, having caught up on sleep lost from Thursday and Friday.
She's still not talking. Her left side is completely frozen, and she's unable to move anything that side. Communication is simple, either clicking fingers, thumbs up, and as of last night, notepad and pen. She has now opened her left eye fully, which is a good sign as it suggests movement is slowly returning to that side of the body. She's not eating, everything being given by drip still as she's unable to swallow or open her mouth properly. A side effect is she's passing some very large amounts of wind, much to her amusement!
Words and phrases are back to front, i.e. she writes things like Yoda, e.g., "Much whiring is ear my". Oh, and despite much grunting arguing, I was born in 2001, which makes me a lot younger than I feel!
Frightening for me, she's nothing like the last time. But the doctors assure us that there's nothing to worry about and she'll slowly recover in the next few weeks.
Fingers soooo tightly crossed it hurts.
Posted by alan at 10:01 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 23, 2003
Time To Eat
Ian and I have just gotten back from a loong day in London seeing Jules. And all I want to do is eat and have a drink.
So, a HUGE quantity of pizza is on order, the Cola's freezing away merrily, and "Harry Enfield & Chums" has just started on UK Gold.
I'll post full details tomorrow, there's too much floating around in my head at the mo'.
Posted by alan at 10:10 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Down London Town
Ian's untimely arrival yesterday mean't a change of plan.
So, we're off to London early to see the sights and buy some cheap books!
Pics of the adventure are in the extended bit, so click away.
Chillin' in Tottenham Court Road
Catching up on "World Domination - A Beginners Guide"
Ian's not massive, he's Belsize!
Ian looses his head on the train home...
Posted by alan at 10:03 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 22, 2003
Time for Bed
Jules mum and younger brother have just got back from visiting this evening. Good news is Jules is now opening her left eye and moving her arm and leg. So that's a good sign that things aren't as serious as could've been.
Ian and I are off to paint the town tomorrow, and pop in and surprise her in the afternoon.
Time for bed now tho!
Posted by alan at 11:16 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Sleeping it all off, half way thro' a can, the phone rings,
"Alright Al, what ya upto?"
It's my younger bro, Ian, with a 12 pack of Carlsberg, which, would've been disappointing given he normally frequents the streets of Hull. Except he's ringing me from Stevenage station
Better go and pick him up then
Posted by alan at 6:13 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Brand New Day
Well, having had a looooong night watching and waiting, it's time for Jules to move from ITU back up to the ward. As this takes a bit of time, it's a good point to pop out and get some fresh air. So off to Starbucks.
We get coffee, find a nice comfy chair, and kick back. Music plays in the background, and as our coffees arrive, a track kicks off - Sting's
Brand New Day - well, it is, isn't it
Posted by alan at 11:05 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
Well, it's all over once more, save the singing. So how did it go:
The Good
Jules has no more tumour around the optic nerves and peturitary gland, hooray
The Bad
It would appear that she's had a stroke, as all movement in the left side of her body has gone. It's hard to say if it's permanent as there were no signs during the operation that it had happened, which is good as this suggests its a more temporary thing rather than a full-on stroke. The surgeon's are saying it's a case of wait and see, so fingers crossed.
The Ugly
If last time was, "10 rounds with Mike Tyson", then this time is KO.
Posted by alan at 7:57 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 21, 2003
6 1/2 Hours Later...
She's out of theatre and into recovery. Much quieter than last time, so the nursing staff are having an easy time of it. But out and awake, that's what's important, ain't it
Posted by alan at 5:05 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Ready For Action!
Now, you must understand this was Jules idea, so I have no responsibility for the pics!
The surgical stockings are not the top fashion, but Jules seems to think they'll make it soon!
Posted by alan at 9:00 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
August 20, 2003
Pizza Express Please!
Having rushed down for 6pm we've not had chance to grab a bite. And Jules was late for hospital dinners.
Checked in and settled, she asks, "Is it okay if I pop down the pub with my family for a bite?" expecting the answer to be no....
The Ward Sister replies, "Yeap, no worries, just keep off the alcohol..."
WOW Quick, lets get off before Sister changes her mind.
Some piccies:
The family sit and wait for the food!
Inside in the warmth, Jules demolishes one Ham & Cheese, hold the olives...
We've had our fill, now lets get her back before anyone notices she's AWOL
Posted by alan at 9:22 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
We're In!
Phone's just rung, bed's available now, so get our skates on!
The operation will be tomorrow, Thursday, so fingers crossed.
Posted by alan at 2:41 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack
August 19, 2003
Stand By Your Bed's!
Well, after a quick call this afternoon, it's unlikely Jules will now be going into hospital this week. A lack of beds, and a want to get her in at least a day before the op means it'll more likely be next Tuesday that she goes in.
Big sigh, and plans for the bank holiday weekend resurected
Posted by alan at 6:24 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 18, 2003
Lets Go Ski!
One of Jules Uncle's has a sking boat, so on Sunday we popped up to Little Paxton for a day on the water. Hot, sunny, and very relaxing, pics of the day are in the extended bit, so click away.
Jules on board and ready to heave-hoo
Jules cousin and partner off on their kneeboards (look's good, but they were dragged under and fell off straight away )
Jules zooms passed, dragging her cousin and partner along...
..whilst me and the dog sit and chill
Posted by alan at 1:26 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 17, 2003
Another Wedding, Another Party!
Well yet another couple we know have gone and tied the knot. But more importantly, it's another excuse for a party
Pics in the extended bit, click away.
Sy & Jules relaxing pre-disco.
Jules on the dancefloor, photographer drunk
Jules sticking out her tongue, for a change.
Jules stuffing her face with chicken drummers.
Posted by alan at 8:28 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 16, 2003
A Round of Golf
Never played before, but that, it seems, doesn't handicap you when playing with everyone else from work
Pics in the extended bit, click away
Posted by alan at 8:30 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 15, 2003
We're Going In...
Dr Thorne rang today and all things going to plan Jules will be in on either Tuesday for a Wednesday op, or Wednesday for a Thursday op.
Blimey She's going next week!!
Posted by alan at 8:21 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 13, 2003
More Eye Opening Info
Surfing the web for answers, information, reasons, etc... Found a few interesting sites on optics and vision:
eMedicine - Skull Base Tumors Article by Grant P Sinson, MD
Posted by alan at 5:15 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 10, 2003
Chicago Rocks... literally!
Well, after the news of Friday it was time to take Jules mind off things. So with the help of my younger bro, Ian, we dragged her off to Chicago's in the Leisure Park.
Pics below
Ian remains undecided on what to wear out....
Ian hits the dance floor, Monty Python stylie
Jules shows 'em how to dance
Another round please, kind sir
The drink is starting to effect our vision
Posted by alan at 11:51 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 8, 2003
Back in Stevenage
Well, after the news a few hours ago, it's down the pub to forget and chat.
Pics below
We'd already started in the Rat & Parrott:
So it was only natural we'd finish off in the Old Town of Stevenage...
A quiet one outside the Marquis...
Jules well on her way to relaxation.
The next few weeks are going to be hard, so it's good we managed to chill out. Let's see what we can do tomorrow night
Posted by alan at 7:01 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Well, we now know the reason for Jules vision problems. The tumour is growing still, and is putting pressure on the optic nerves going to both eyes. So, it's back to hospital for another op.
There are risks, she might loose her sight all together. But the consultant's said if we don't do anything her sight will go anyway.
So, but of a bugger really. Wasn't expecting to have to be going back to hospital soo soon. Now looks like the next couple of weeks instead.
Off down the pub with my younger brother, Ian, and her younger brother, Chris, to relax and let it sink in...
Posted by alan at 6:51 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 6, 2003
Off to London Friday
Well, after chasing around, Jules has an appointment on Friday to discuss the scan and her lack of vision.
Problem is, my younger bro is down. Sooooo.....
He and me will pop in the local Rat & Parrott whilst Jules goes to her meeting.
Posted by alan at 1:45 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 4, 2003
Surf's Up!
Well, the car club forum's crashed, so I've suddenly found lots of spare time to surf around looking at side effects of Jules hormone treatment. And...
Side Effects of Cortisone Treatment
Note the comments about high blood pressure(), blurred vision (
), oh, and more importantly, change of character.
Hopefully this explains her lack of vision. We'll wait and see what the experts say.
Posted by alan at 11:27 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 1, 2003
Well, if you've been asleep or in hibernation round our way, you'll not know about the big concert. And if you are in and around Knebworth you'll know that trying to escape Stevenage at this precise moment in time is nigh on impossible.
Why everyone didn't expect this I'll never know. It's simple maths. There are 70,000 people in Stevenage, moving around, and we've now an additional 120,000 descending on the far southern corner from every direction.
Chaos? Nahh, that was back in January when it snowed for a couple of minutes....
Posted by alan at 2:38 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack