May 17, 2004
The End

Posted by alan at 2:17 PM | Comments (18) | TrackBack
May 14, 2004
Hard Days Night
Jules has now stopped drinking, having had a painful experience last night choking and coughing when things went the wrong way. The whole effort of drinking is just too much now, and given her lower and lower energy the doctor recommended that she stops trying before she has a major coughing fit and hurts herself.
So, it's getting closer and closer.
Thanks to everyone who's been emailing, and popping in. All I'll say is make today the day, and don't leave it to tomorrow......
Posted by alan at 8:35 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack
May 13, 2004
Long Night's, Short Day's
Just popped home to change, then off back to work for the afternoon.
Jules is fairing as well as can be expected. She's started to shake now, her right hand and arm shaking when she moves them about. Her leg is also shaking a little, but not as much as her hand and arm.
Drinking has picked up a little, but she's not anywhere near the volumes she was drinking last week. And she's getting more and more exhausted with each attempt.
Pics in the extended bit...
Jules this morning, distant and dazed, but drinking a little more than yesterday. Her speech is all but gone, a faint squeak being the most she can muster now
Posted by alan at 12:26 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
May 11, 2004
Not Good
I'd be kidding to make out that things are okay, as they're not. Jules is getting worse day by day now. Tiredness is setting in regularly, and she's stopped eating all together. Fluids are restricted to nutrient milk shakes, and juices.
She's still got her humour, smiling and laughing at what she hears, but her talking has all but disappeared, a faint squeak being all she can muster.
I'm off back over there now, so don't expect regular postings as I'm going to be home less and less. It's best to leave a comment as it'll be forwarded to my phone, or give us a shout. And don't worry about popping over, just be prepared to wait as lots of people are popping in now.
Jules seemed happier yesterday morning, and when she realised that Spitfire was with us, she soon perked up
As before, Spitfire soon made his home up on the window ledge, watching "breakfast" fly by
And Jules kept trying to keep him up on the bed, but he was having none of it
There was a new nurse there too, although he looked a bit more like a butcher than a carer
Today, Jules friends from her old workplace popped by, Jill and Betty.
Jules seemed a little more awake in the afternoon when they'd arrived, and managed a little more of the drinks. The bag on her shoulder is to support her neck, as the muscle strength has all but gone now, the more tired she gets, the more her head slips sideways.
Posted by alan at 9:44 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack
May 10, 2004
Going Over
Janet's just called, it's 5am, and Jules has asked where the hell am I? Apparently I was supposed to be there, so I'd better get my arse into gear and get over. Probably nothing to worry about, but I ain't gonna be in work today guys
Posted by alan at 5:10 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
May 9, 2004
Changing Every Day
Jules has changed since Friday. Having been away for just one night even I can see the difference. Janet's staying the night tonight, and I'm trying to get some sleep, having had a long weekend at GTI International, helping out the club. If anything happens, I'll be called.
She's probably going to be on a syringe feed from tomorrow, and the painkillers will be changed to an inline through a butterfly in the hand. She's also going onto Morphine, since she's struggling to swallow the paracetemol and codine.
Jules on Friday, having a drink and a bit of chocolate
Jules tonight, much more tired, and not able to eat
And when she was awake she looked really washed out and exhausted.
Posted by alan at 8:16 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 7, 2004
A Bit of News From Ivan
Been keeping an eye on Ivan's online diary, and the latest can be found here:
BBC Online - Ivan Noble's Online Diary - LATEST
Sounds like things are going well, well as well as can be given the prognosis.
Posted by alan at 1:26 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Cabrio
Been a topic of debate recently as to what we should do with it. Well, I'm still of the opinion that it's a resto waiting to happen.
I'll leave it at that, since I know someone out there will post comment, won't you
Posted by alan at 12:36 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
May 6, 2004
Must go to sleep, it's not doing me any good staying up this late....
Posted by alan at 1:02 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 5, 2004
Who Am I Kidding?
Decided to have a quiet night at home, having spent the last couple of days at work struggling to listen and understand what's happening around me. And before I make a mistake I thought I'd better grab an early night and catch up on some sleep.
Janet called earlier, saying that the nurses have noticed further deterioration in Jules in the last few days. She's getting worse each day now
So Janet's going to stay over, as she's got the day off tomorrow, and spend the day bathing and keeping Jules company. And if anything happens, she'll ring me.
What's that done for my quiet night in? Well, it's nearly midnight, I've an empty bottle of rather nice Shiraz, a half eaten curry, and an updated weblog to show for it. And do you honestly see me getting any sleep..... Nah, didn't think so
Posted by alan at 11:56 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 4, 2004
A Curry
Tuesday nights are gourmet night at the Bombay in the Old Town. And after tonight's visits none of us could be bothered cooking. And thanks to the generosity of my younger brother, we went out and had a slap up curry, yum
Pics in the extended bit...
Laura's perfected her short arm routine, but still managed to order a Vindaloo
Chris, on the other hand, was keeping it real
Me? I just had waaaay too much to drink...
Like I said, waaaay too much to drink...
Laura managed to get her Vindaloo everywhere apart from her mouth. And even with the incentive of a month's MSN access she couldn't stomach more than a couple of mouthfuls
Posted by alan at 11:56 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
The Big Visit
Jules has been saying, on and off, that she'd like to see her dad over the last week and a half. We've spent most evenings checking that's what she mean't, and so Laura went to see her dad this weekend and passed on the news.
Tonight, after many, many years, Jules agreed to see her dad. So he popped over, sat in, and had a long chat.
I thought Jules smiled just a bit more than normal, and seemed a little more perky than of late. Either way it went well, and I think, for the best
Pics in the extended bit...
Jules , early on in the evening, tucking into a Jaffacake, naturally I don't think Chris is ever going to get the baseball cap back
Moving into the day room, Jules started feeling a little sleepy...
But then her dad arrived, and once she'd said yes, she seemed to pick up a little. And listening to what he had to say, she smiled and giggled recounting the stories of her childhood and everything she'd been thro all those years ago.
She was soon tired again, so Dad said his goodbyes and went. Hopefully, he'll be back again on Saturday. Jules seemed keen enough, which was good after all the chats and discussions leading up to tonight.
Practically out for the count, we moved Jules back into her room and headed off home.
Posted by alan at 11:21 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
May 3, 2004
Another Bank Holiday
Up late, having had a large amount to eat and drink last night, catching up on the lack of a night out on Saturday. Ian achieved a lifetime ambition, having a lock-in at the local kebab shop when we went to collect our supper. Nights out will never be the same.
Jules was quite tired today, with everyone else visiting, a stream of people through the doors. I didn't pop back in the evening, instead having a hot bath and preparing for a return to work, urgh
Posted by alan at 10:55 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 2, 2004
A Bit of A Scrappy Day
Got up early this morning, Ian determined to be at the gates of Rush Green scrapyard at opening time. Didn't make it over there until 11am, but still managed a good 2 hours scavanging around for bits and pieces. I bagged 4 chrome Porsche door handles, and 4 interior Audi handles, which will go well on the cabrio one day. Ian got his bumper, but wasn't too keen on the suspension kit. We'll wait and see
Then had a spot of lunch before heading over to the Hospice to spend the afternoon there with Jules . Tony, Jenny, Becks and her man, Jeff, where already there, and we got Jules into one of the day rooms to give us all a bit more room.
Then it was over to the Fisherman for a pint and a bite to eat. Oh, and Benny from Agoonoree just appeared, as if by magic. He has a habit of doing that, you see
Posted by alan at 11:55 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack
May 1, 2004
Big Night In
Nige, Ian and Mum got here just after 7, so once they'd had a cuppa and gathered their thoughts, it was decided a big night in was in order. So a quick cruise down the Old Town for some booze, and then a curry on order from the Taj Mahal.
DVD's, TV, and bed. Sorted
Posted by alan at 11:59 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
They're Coming!
Awoke to a grotty day, but at least the sun will be shining later on. Nige, Ian, and Mum are coming down, to shed a little light and cheer. Hopefully Ian's remembered the car speakers, and will be able to sort the stereo out. We'll also be making a visit to the scrapyard to pick up a bumper for his Monty.
Better get off and start finishing the cleaning. Then pop over to see Jules before they arrive.
Posted by alan at 11:40 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 30, 2004
Another Great Night
Went and saw Jules earlier tonight, and ended up staying much longer than planned. She was really perky yet again, full of beans compared to earlier in the week. So I stayed a little longer.
Then down the New Town for Chris's birthday. A couple of pints then home for tea and a looong sleep before the family appear.
Pics of Jules in the extended bit
Jules has spurts of tiredness, where she'll just drift off, before jumping back awake again.
The chocolate teacakes get a full thumbs up
Chris lost his hat, Jules taking it and feeling rather swish no less
Jules is still able to drink, but not as much and as quickly. She also can't really hold the cup properly, and is needing a beanbag to rest her neck. Chris gave her a hand, and got the usual thanks - a slap on the face
Posted by alan at 11:39 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Day off!
Decided to have a day off, a chance for a ly-in, catch up on rest, and sort out the house before everyone descends on it tomorrow
Didn't realise just how much washing and cleaning there is to do. And then there's the weblog and email's to catch up on.
Off to see Jules later, then out with a few friends from work. It's someone's birthday, and I've promised not to say how old
Posted by alan at 10:39 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 29, 2004
Night Out Drinking
Taking a night off, and a chance to mull over a very productive day at work. A couple of jars, then ajourn to Gareth's for whiskey and snacks
Jules was quite perky tonight, seemed to have a little more energy than of late, which really finished off the day
Anyway's, better get my arse in gear before it's too late.
Pics in the extended bit...
She seemed quite perky, but still drifted in and out of sleep.
The two finger salute, one finger being just too much
Posted by alan at 8:38 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 28, 2004
Sick Again
I seem to be falling ill more and more recently. Not surprising I suppose, stressed out and spending a lot of time in a place full of unwell people means I'm statistically more likely to get something than would be otherwise. Coupled with my enlarged tonsols, and I'm a magnet for the ills of the world
So, today I've been sat at home, and I've not been over to see Jules in case something rubs off. Janet's not too well either. The nurses told us last night that Jules has been suffering with a chest infection, so maybe for once she's infected me with a cold, rather than me passing it on to her
Posted by alan at 7:57 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 27, 2004
Quiet Tuesday
My second session with the family support counsellor went well, Im really feeling that a great weight is being lifted as I talk through things.
Jules was still very tired and quiet. Got some pics in the extended bit, as always
She's struggling to keep awake whilst eating, tending to doze off after a couple of chews.
But she's still aware enough to hear you saying things, or in this case the camera going off, to give you the finger
She's not smiling, again it seems too tiring and too much effort. Although tickling gets a slap, not as hard as normal, but a slap none the less.
They've now got a beanbag to support her neck, as the muscle on her left side is wasting away and Jules is struggling to keep her neck up straight.
It wasn't too long after medicine time that she dozed off, so I left her be and got off hom myself
Posted by alan at 11:24 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 26, 2004
I don't know what it is about Monday's, but today was even worse than normal. An early start, and then an all day document review. This is where you all sit in a room for several hours producing large amounts of hot air, the resulting effect being the production of a document that you are all happy with. Then home, as it's night off. And I'm shattered
Anyway's, won't stay up any longer, need to be in before 7:30 tomorrow, which I know you think is impossible
Some pics from yesterday night in the extended bit...
Gareth, on challenging someone to an armwrestle, realising that some women are stronger than they look
Jules last night, still really tired and quiet. She didn't say much, and hardly opened her eye.
Posted by alan at 10:40 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 25, 2004
Woke up this morning suffering from the night before. Kareoke night at The Stag, so you can imagine it was a little on the wild side. Then a curry, and a few select whiskeys before falling asleep watching a film. This morning's been rough, and I'm not sure when I'll be in a fit state to face the day yet
Nigel's recovering downstairs, and we've decided not to waste the day. Already got the weekly shop in at ASDA, so once we're ready to face some lunch we'll hit the road and go over to the local scrappy for a wander and explore. Ian's after some bits for his latest catch, so we'll see what we can find. Then over the Hospice, see Jules , and then get Nige off back up to Hull in time for last orders at Pipe & Glass
Posted by alan at 2:39 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 24, 2004
Many Vistors From Afar!
Some friends from back home came down today, having not heard or seen us for a few years. Quite a shock, given what has happened. You tend to think, "Well, I've not heard from them for a while, guess all's well". But it was great listening to the gossip and trials of camp last year Hopefully they're all coming down mid-May for a big night out. So if you're free and at a loose end, let me know and we'll all go out and have a drink for Jules
Off over to Stotfold as my brother's just appeared. Was alone in Hull and decided he'd be better off, "Alone" in Stevenage No doubt we'll be wrecked by 10, and asleep on Gareth's floor by 12
Posted by alan at 6:39 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 23, 2004
Get Mum Down The Pub
We went over to see Jules last night, with Janet's friend Iris. Chris and Stu were off down the pub for their usual Thursday night out, so I decided to surprise Janet and drop in for a quick half
Some pics of last night, and visiting Jules , in the extended bit, as always
Jules , giving her best smile Her face is swelling because of the increasing steroids she's getting to combat the swelling in the brain and reduce the headaches. It can be worse some days, and better others. Yesterday was a bad day.
Jules getting on with taking her medicine, and that's no mean feat There's over 8 different tablets and 5 different fluids to be taken 2 or 3 times a day, and she's making light work of it
Janet seemed to have a real lucky streek on the snooker game, as can be seen by her first go winnings
Chris was there to support, and advise, although he wasn't all that impressed, given most of the payout was put in by him and Stu the go's before
Posted by alan at 1:38 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
A year ago we got the first glimpse of what Jules had in detail, (The Oncology Clinc), quite scary, shocking, not what you'd imagine.
And to think, the thoughts back then where to look at radiotherapy to sort out the last bits left.
Alot's changed in a year.... And alot's changing each day, every hour, ticking away with each minute....
Posted by alan at 1:14 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 22, 2004
So What IS Happening?
Many people have been asking what's the latest, and since it's not always clear, here goes.
I've stuck it in the extended bit so you can read by clicking the link. If you don't want to read it, you don't have to click...
Jules is talking in single words, and needs real pushing to get more than "Yes" and "No" out of her. This is a combination of tiredness and the tumour messing with her communication side of the brain, something that's been going on ever since the last operation. Some of it is also down to the damage caused by the stroke. She still has her moments, with statements like "Deaf shit", "Stop tickling me", so she is still able to string a sentence along when forced. And I think that's the key now, she HAS to be forced into it, as her frame of mind and energy means she's reluctant to do it herself.
Jules has bad hearing in her right ear, again because of where the tumour is growing. She has clear and complete hearing in her left side, and can hear the ripping of a Mars wrapper at 100 paces
Jules is now completely blind Nothing more to say on that
Jules is completely bed-bound now, with movement in her right side, and little or nothing down the left. She still has feeling in her left leg, but it's not that much. Again, this is the tumour slowly pushing it's way into that area of the brain which controls the feeling and movement.
Pills & Potions
Keep looking at So What's This Treatment All About? for updates as and when I find more info on the stuff Jules is taking. And What Are You On? for the other medicines, drugs, tablets...
Jules is going downhill, there's no way of getting away from it. The nursing staff have said as much, but as always, no-one can say for certain how long, and when. If anything can be said, it's going to be weeks and months, not months and months
Posted by alan at 1:11 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack
April 21, 2004
Family Support
I must admit, before talking to the Family Support woman, Kim, I thought I didn't need to talk things over with anyone. You don't think it'll help, and what's the point, as they can't understand what you're going thro' more than your friends, family, or can they?
Well, I'm glad to say I feel like a MASSIVE weight has disappeared from my shoulders. And maybe THAT was what was giving me the stiff neck and shoulders - the need to have a complete stranger say, "Don't worry, you've done as much as you can, there's nothing you've missed".
Now it's convincing everyone else to go and see her.
Posted by alan at 10:11 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 20, 2004
Songs For Whoever the title of an album by a bunch of songsters from up't North. And something Janet and I listened to on our way down the A1 to London every night. Sometimes sad, sometimes happy, but music has that ability.
Well, Sting released a new album recently, and it was the intention to make it the first concert Jules went to. Except that it's in May, and with the way things are it'll be likely things will have taken a step for the worse. Not ignoring the logistics of trying to get her out now.
And there's Coldplay, depreasing enough as their songs seem...
Not too sure why, but the following need posting up...
The Book Of My Life
Let me watch by the fire and remember my days
And it may be a trick of the firelight
But the flickering pages that trouble my sight
Is a book I'm afraid to write
It's the book of my days, it's the book of my life
And it's cut like a fruit on the blade of a knife
And it's all there to see as the section reveals
There's some sorrow in every life
If it reads like a puzzle, a wandering maze
Then I won't understand 'til the end of my days
I'm still forced to remember,
Remember the words of my life
There are promises broken and promises kept
Angry words that were spoken, when I should have wept
There's a chapter of secrets, and words to confess
If I lose everything that I possess
There's a chapter on loss and a ghost who won't die
There's a chapter on love where the ink's never dry
There are sentences served in a prison I built out of lies.
There's a chapter on fathers a chapter on sons
There are pages of conflicts that nobody won
And the battles you lost and your bitter defeat,
There's a page where we fail to meet
There are tales of good fortune that couldn't be planned
There's a chapter on God that I don't understand
There's a promise of Heaven and Hell but I'm damned if I see
Now the daylight's returning
And if one sentence is true
All these pages are burning
And all that's left is you
Though the pages are numbered
I can't see where they lead
For the end is a mystery no-one can read
In the book of my life
The Scientist
Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you, tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart
Tell me your secrets, and ask me your questions
Oh lets go back to the start
Running in circles, coming up tails
Heads on a silence apart
Nobody said it was easy
Oh it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said that it would be this hard
Oh take me back to the start
I was just guessing at numbers and figures
Pulling your puzzles apart
Questions of science, science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart
Tell me you love me, come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start
Running in circles, chasing our tails
Coming back as we are
Nobody said it was easy
Oh it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
I'm going back to the start
Posted by alan at 10:52 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 19, 2004
Off Sick, Thinking
...about life, work, why I seem to be falling ill so much lately...
Been relistening to Del Amitri, a band I used to listen to alot many years ago (1994-ish). Introduced by a good friend, not sure how you describe the music, but it's something, on some tracks, that works well played loud. And loud music has comforting effects, as another friend regularly awoke me with and assured me it was a good thing...
Anyway, felt like adding one here, don't know why, but, hey, I'm full of Lemsip, whiskey, and ibuprofen, so it's all a little hazy anyho's
Tell her not to go
I ain't holding on no more
Tell her something in my mind freezes up from time to time
Tell her not to cry
I just got scared that's all
Tell her I'll be by her side, all she has to do is call
Tell her the chips are down
I drank too much and shouted it aloud
Tell her something in my heart
Needs her more than even clowns need the laughter of the crowd
Tell her what was wrong
I sometimes think to much
But say nothing at all
And tell her from this high terrain, I am ready now to fall
Tell her not to go
I ain't holding on no more
Tell her nothing if not this; all I want to do is kiss her
Tell her something in my mind
Freezes up from time to time.
Posted by alan at 11:46 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 18, 2004
Awoke this morning to remember that someone had said in the pub last night that 2 guys where to have their chests waxed Well, they did, and disappointly, they didn't seem to be in much pain. Would publish the pics, but they're kinda boring
Jules on the other hand, was awake and a little more responsive than yesterday. But still very tired, and worryingly refusing her medication. Hopefully this isn't another drop, as we're only just coming to terms with her eyesight going. Tomorrow's a day off, so a chance to recharge both our batteries
Posted by alan at 10:28 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 17, 2004
Sunny Day
Weather's been cracking today, managed to get loads sorted outside. And then popped over to the Hospice to see Jules. Janet had managed to get her out of bed and into her new chair, and go for a walk in the gardens.
She seemed a little less awake than yesterday, which was disappointing, but I guess she's going to have more of these off days now.
Pics in the extended bit...
Outside in her new chair, wrapped up as the early evening Sun mean't it was getting a little chilly
Smiling, although half asleep as well
Back inside getting warm and ready for dinner
Eating, something Jules is doing more and more as the steroids build her appetite up and up and up
Jaffa Cakes, now part of Jules staple diet
Posted by alan at 7:14 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 16, 2004
On My Own
Popped over on my own tonight, as Janet was out catching a film, not having had chance on Wednesday. Of course, Orange are doing free tickets on Wednesdays, which both my brother's are taking full advantage of
Jules was really awake tonight, and we spent the evening listening to the telly - quite peaceful. And when Top-ofThe-Pops came on, she was gigging her hand to the beat Hopefully this burst of energy will be around for the weekend, as the weather's looking good
Posted by alan at 9:52 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
Updates on Treatments
Eventually got round to updating the links in So What's This Treatment All About? so that it's got pointers to other stuff out there on the web.
I've also pulled together some more links on stuff to do with the Vitamin B-17 aspects, including some clinical trials and official views...
- - Laetrile-Amygdalin (PDQ®) - Vitamin B-17 according to the US Cancer government body
- The Rise and Fall of Laetrile - the chemical version of Vitamin B-17
- - Levels of Evidence for Human Studies of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine (PDQ®) - results and info on official studies into some of the alternative treatments, including Vitamin B-17
- The Chiron Clinic - The place supplying the Vitamin B-17 treatment for Jules
- Dr Nyjon Eccles" - info on the doctor involved in the Vitamin B-17 treatment for Jules
- Cancer Research UK - The UK cancer charity
- Quackwatch - Cancer - views on cancer treatments from Quackwatch Online
- BBC NEWS Health Rating call for cancer websites - Something I'm very interested in, since a number of the sites, including The Chiron Clinic, are very out of date, and other sites give little or no research evidence into the treatments they're offering.
- Healing Daily - Cancer prevention measures
- CancerBACUP Diet therapies
Posted by alan at 1:32 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 15, 2004
Food, food, food!
Tonight was a night of food. Food at the hospice, food at Sainsburys, and food at home
A few pics in the extended bit...
Straight over after work, via the chippy, and Jules had her chips, oh yes
Iris and Jenny, friends of Janet's, popped over to see Jules, but even that didn't take her off the chips....
Just had to show off the car, having had chance this weekend to clean it after over 4 months. Nice and shiny again
I left around 9pm, and had my orders for tomorrow night. "Garlic mushroom, big", so popped into Sainsburys on the way back. Home and then into the kitchen for another culinary night
Garlic mushrooms, and on the top right, Nige's famous Nutmeg Chicken, yummy
Posted by alan at 11:10 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 14, 2004
Found It!
The pic of Jules when she first came out of hospital, with a MASSIVE plate of chips. And tonight she said she wants chips and mayo brought in
Also, after reading about the reduction in the chocolate mountain I picked up a big bag of goodies from Bob at work. And you'll be glad to know that one of the packs has now gone
Pics in the extended bit...
Jules, munching her way through a big plate of freshly made chips and mayo, yummy
Jules, putting away a chocolate teacake with little trouble
Soon the box had gone, and Jules was coated in sticky goo
Posted by alan at 11:01 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 13, 2004
She's Not Home
A year ago she was, after the first op, sitting downstairs, munching on chips. We took photo's back then, but never published them since Jules wasn't too keen on people seeing her like that. But now it's different, so I've stuck a few up in the extended bit...
Jules, having just gotten home, awaiting the arrival of more freshly cooked chips and mayonnaise. There is a pic of her munching when she first came home, but I can't find it anywhere.
Jules, a few days later, still quite swollen, but bearing up to it all.
And finally, Jules on Sunday, in the sun.
Posted by alan at 10:35 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 12, 2004
Power Cut
Just this minute had a power outage Only lasted a second or 2, but it's the second one in less than a month. Although the last one happened at 3am and woke me up. You see, we have smoke alarms running off the mains, the reason being that, in the event of a fire and the power being cut, they go off. Snag is, they also go off if the power's cut
Hopefully there won't be another one later tonight, or in the morning
Posted by alan at 11:02 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Tidy Day
Spent today clearing up around the house after the weekend. Lots to sort, loads to do which I would've done if I'd not had visitors Washed the car, sorted a bit more of the garden, and finished sorting the paperwork in the back bedroom. And loads of washing for Jules , most of which I took back today
Went and saw Jules at lunchtime with the rest of the curd cake. Helped her with dinner, all the medicines, and then nipped off when the staff came to get her up and dressed. Yeap, she'd been asleep all morning, and was just waking when I turned up for lunch
She still seems tired from the weekend, so hopefully her batteries will be charged up tomorrow and she'll be bright again
Posted by alan at 10:25 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 11, 2004
Chris Cooking
Well, he would've done if the shops had been open. Instead we went to the Fisherman and had a meal there. And nice it was too, with lots of beer and then pink champagne back at Janet's courtesy of Chris and Yuen. Then taxi back, and bed, well, in a few minutes.
Jules was really quite washed out today, not very chatty at all. And the right side of her face is swelling quite bad too But she's still happy, nothing seems to be bothering her. And after a long run of visitors today it's not too surprising she's tired out. She'd be getting a break from everything tomorrow, except that it's a bank holiday so I'm allowed to pop in
Got the rest of the curd cake to finish off, so I think I'll nip over on my own and the pair of us can finish it off together
We managed to get Jules out, since the weather had held off from raining just enough
Jules in her new wheelchair, soaking up the rays.
Once back inside it was time for some more chocolate, damn stuff gets stuck in your teeth...
Posted by alan at 11:58 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 10, 2004
Fallout From Last Night
Woke up this morning wondering what had happened. I was sat bolt upright, having slept that way, with the stiffest neck in history. Ian had crashed out on the sofa, and Nige was collapsed on the floor. A Gareth's Special, (English breakfast with a healthy amount of garlic ) and we were ready to face the day.
Mum's turned up, and we're off to see Jules. Then Nige and Ian are away back home, having left their mark in another unsuspecting Southern village....
Watch this space for the pics
A quick show of what was to be consumed....
But first, the pub, and Nige trying hard to solve the pub puzzle
And then a battering from his lil'l bro Ian, for not letting him have a go
The favour returned, and Nige punches Ian back
Gareth show's them how a regular does it
Ian, trying out smoking, cough, cough
And the Prince of Darkness smoking too
Gareth, bemused by all this amateurish palaver
We then took to the pool table, to show the locals what playing pool is all about, well, sort of
Nige, trying a new method of striking the ball by looking sideways
Taking a proper shot, and this time it goes in
Posted by alan at 4:14 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 9, 2004
Stotfold Get Ready!
Just come back from Gareth's via the Hospice. Jules is okay, tired, but awake and talking a little. Janet and Debbie are over there at the mo', as I've had to dash home and get Nige and Ian out and about.
The bruv's are all but ready to go, so I'd better get off. We're going over to Gareth's local in Stotfold. They don't know what they're letting themselves in for tonight
Posted by alan at 5:54 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 8, 2004
They're Here!
The bruv's have just arrived so I'm off to put on the kettle and sort out some tea, or takeaway, which ever tickles their fancy.
No point going to the pub now, as it'll be chucking out in just over an hour. And we don't want to spoil ourselves for tomorrow night Besides which, I've gotta be over Stotfold by 8am to sort out stuff for Tuesday
Will I be up in time?
Jules, her hearing atuned to the rustle of paper, just knows there's something chocolatey around
Jules mum, Janet, had brought in a very large slice of chocolate cake, baked by a friend at work
And it wasn't long before Jules was demolishing it
Licking her lips, and it's all gone
Then it's onto the medicines, and a drink to wash the lot down.
Posted by alan at 10:13 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 7, 2004
Long Day At Work - Short Day At Hospice
Long ol' day at work, and a long ol' time over the Hospice seeing Jules . Will be glad to hit the pillow tonight
Jules was fairly awake tonight, managing to munch her way thro' the remains of the cookies we brought in on the weekend. A mountain of washing has come back with me, having forgotten to collect it all on Saturday Ah well, I've nowt else to do when I get home really, now, have I
Posted by alan at 11:56 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 6, 2004
Didn't Go Over Tonight
Instead popped out with Gareth for a couple down Bottles in the Old Town. We've a presentation first thing after the Easter break and I've just realised we've not got Friday and Saturday to sort it out before hand So a nights brain dump now, and then Good Friday to sort out the technical bits and bobs, with time in between to get what we need from work to do it at home.
Jules was okay tonight, Janet said she was a little tired and not too chatty, but took her medicine, as well as a HUGE amount of choc's. I reckon that must be getting to the end of the USA choc's from Thornton's now, so if anyone out there's waiting for the signal, it's okay to start restocking her chocolate shelfs
Posted by alan at 10:13 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 5, 2004
Quiet Night In
Monday's are becoming a night of rest now, as the visiting isn't allowed. And tonight was a back to cooking one A monster curry with chillies, mushrooms, lots of herbs and spices, top nosh
And whilst we're at it, I'll post up some tips on cooking each week as I stumble around in the kitchen
Cooking Tip 1
When using chillies, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly SEVERAL times, as your eyes will sting when rubbed if you don't....
Posted by alan at 11:12 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 4, 2004
Long Day
Spent most of today over at the Hospice. First off an early start to have a chat with Dr Lucas, one of the doctors there, about Jules and her progress. And then later in the afternoon for takeaway
Pics, news, the lot, in the extended bit
Jules was less than willing to get up this morning, wanting to stay in bed, asleep. We even go told to go
We went and had a chat with Dr Lucas and he's said there is a noticable change in Jules condition. It's more noticable by the staff who've been away for a week or more. And it's not good news It's apparent from the headaches, her tiredness, and other things, that the tumour is still making progress, slowly. The good news is that he doesn't think the prognosis of Easter is likely, mainly because Jules hasn't been getting worse quickly. But he did say it was still difficult to say whether it would be mid-year or Autumn time when things come to a close
We then had a chat with the nurses, commenting on how well she's got on at the Hospice so far, and what we could do to maybe get her home for a day sometime soon.
By the time we got back into see Jules lunch had arrived, and not surprisingly she was wide awake. Her appetite has rocketed since they put her on the stronger dose of steroids, as the pictures reveal
Lunch is served, and despite her eyesight, she was determined to eat it herself. "Spoonfed", she said to Janet, shortly before giving her the look
"Cuppa tea" and lunch is over
Yes, that is 3 cookies in Jules hand She went on to demolish several more, as well as some jelly babies, mini-muffins, and half a Tolberone
We nipped home after that to get the bedding, and sort out some shopping ready for pizza night But when we got back Jules had decided she didn't want me staying over again, so, instead, I stayed a little longer and left when she'd dozzed off
Pucker up
Fast asleep, I could've stayed there for ever
Posted by alan at 11:32 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 3, 2004
What A Difference A Year Makes
A year has passed since Jules first went into hospital. Reading back, The Big Day..., it's hard to believe what's happened since then.
Some pics and comment in the extended bit...
Jules less than a week after the first op, feeling and looking like she'd been in a Leisure Park bust-up (eh Laura )
Me n Jules, home and settled
Me n Jules, the night before the second operation, something we never expected so soon, and something I wished never happened
And finally, the pair of us last week, nearly a year since the first op, and over a year since we found out the cause of all her troubles When you look back on what you can loose in a year it makes you realise just how precious and important each day becomes.
Posted by alan at 10:46 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack
Advice from Mailing List
There's a mountain of advice and support from the BRAINTMR Email List that's been of use and support over the last year. A recent posting I've pasted over here. Hope those of you reading looking for answers find it of use
Posted by Brain Tumor Research/Support [mailto:BRAINTMR@MITVMA.MIT.EDU] On Behalf Of SANDRA NORTON
Tips for Caregivers
The role of a caregiver to a brain tumor patient can be quite challenging but yet very rewarding. As things progress or decline with a patient, we find ourselves asking "what next, "what can I do", "what resources are available to me". Unfortunately, most caregivers are not afforded the information concerning their responsibilities, wasy of making care giving easier, etc.
Speak with the physician about your care recipient's diagnosis and prognosis. As what you may expect in the future. Spend time in the library or on the internet to conduct your research. Learn every thing you can concerning your loved one's illness or chronic condition. Knowledge will empower you to be a better caregiver.
Try to attend caregiver training classes. Learn about hands -on techniques, such as transferring safely, proper skin care and lifting properly.
Make your home safe for your loved one. Be aware of fire hazards such as stoves, other appliances, matches, lighters, and cigarettes. Watch out for loose rugs, cluttered pathways and inadequate lighting. Adjust the water heater temperature settings to prevent burns.
Install bathroom grab bars and non -skid rugs. These are just a few home suggestions.
Evaluate both your short term and long term needs as a caregiver. Start by listing those things you might need help with now and in the future. For example, a short term need might be to move your loved one's bed down stairs. A long term need might be a transportation issue to medical appointments. Contact your local health service for support and help.
family members, friends, and neighbors and how each person can help. Repeat this process for formal supports such as home care agencies and transportation services. It is important to set a time frame for any action that needs to be taken. Having a plan for both formal and informal supports and implementing that plan will greatly reduce your stress as a caregiver.
If you can't take care of yourself, you won't be able to continue to be a caregiver. See your doctor regularly, get screened for stress and depression, get plenty of rest, eat well balanced meals, exercise regularly and accept help from others. YOU ARE IMPORTANT
This is a service that I wished that was available to both Jennifer and me during her journey. Contact your doctor about these services.
Set aside time regularly so you can pursue your own interests and hobbies. Providing care giving is stressful. All caregivers need time away - it's good for the care giver and the patient.
Here is another area that care givers are not given much information on unless the patient has been recommended for Hospice. Learn about in-home care options for help at home. Typical services include personal care, home maker, home delivered meals, transportation, and emergency response system. Many caregivers hire their own workers privately or pay an agency directly to provide care.
Check Your Local Agencies to see what services you and your loved one will be entitled to. One may also want to call Life Stream Services, Inc at 1-800-589-1121 (USA)
I cannot attest to how this agency works but it may be worth the telephone call.
Sandie Norton
Proud m/o Jennifer, age 24
Diagnosed with Anaplastic Astrocytoma, grade 3 in July 99.
Surgery with Gliadel wafers in Jul 99.
Completed stereotactic radiation in Oct 99.
Two new tumors found on left occipital lobe in Oct 00.
Completed 12 Rounds of Temodar. Tumors found in and abutting the left lateral ventricle in Dec 01.
Completed 7 rounds of CPT-11/Cisplatin. New tumors found in several
new locations in Jun 02.
Diagnosed with Gliomatosis Cerebri in Aug 02.
Completed one session of the intra-arterial chemotherapy in Aug 02.
Entered Hospice Facility on 29 Aug 02. Received her Angel Wings on 30 Sept 02.
Posted by alan at 9:28 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 2, 2004
Got the results of the Primavera 50 question test today, and I've passed, 98%
Now I've got access to the Primavera Extranet so I can start to learn about some of the other tools in the suite, as well as understand a bit more about the latest release. And after this week away in London with all the other consultants and resellers, it's definately a qualification worth having.
Now I can think about moving onto bigger and better things. But first some practise on some unsuspecting work trainees
Posted by alan at 9:59 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack
April 1, 2004
And Finally...
It's day 4 of the course - PHEW!
The course has but finished. All the detail stuff is over, and it's hints and tips, Q&A this afternoon. Hopefully we can get away for 4 and miss the rush back
Last nights visit wasn't too good, it's now apparent that Jules has lost her sight. She's quite unresponsive and isn't talking much either, which doesn't help matters. But she did grab me and give me an enormous hug, so the thought's still there, even if the talk ain't I guess this is yet another stage in the process which I wished would never happen
I remember back in August Jules saying she didn't mind whatever happened during or after the second operation as long as she still had her eyesight. A lots changed since then, and what's frustrating is Jules can't articulate what she's thinking, so I can't understand what she's feeling. "Is she scared she can't see anymore?" - don't know And that's probably the MOST frustrating thing for me, not knowing what she's thinking about all this
Posted by alan at 12:47 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Can't Imagine...
... what it must be like, to wake up one morning and not be able to see. Complete darkness, nothing. The nearest I've been to it was once as a Scout, potholing in the Pennines just outside Castleton. Near to the end of the journey down the instructor told us to switch out our torches. And it was dark. The instructor told us then that it was as near as we would get to being blind without actually being blind. Scary, but not frightening, since you switched your torch back on and you could see once more.
Someone's torch went out yesterday, and it doesn't look like it's coming back on
Posted by alan at 1:09 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 31, 2004
Update On Jules
It's been a while since I've written about Jules and how she is in a bit more detail, so here's some news.
Her right eye has calmed down a bit after a week of irritation. Something must've gotten in there as it was quite red and sore, and Jules was itching it to the point of pulling her eyelid. A patch and lotion seemed to have helped, and they're continuing with it this week.
Overall, Jules seems to be okay still. Memory is still very variable, with short term things not staying lodged in the grey cells for very long. But long term stuff is still there, she can still remember her car registration, National Insurance number, and even her bankcard PIN The worrying change, more for Jules , is that her left eyesight is deterioating. It's becoming really tunnel vision now, and things are appearing offset from where they really are
On the plus side, the swelling and headaches are gone. The codine and steroids seem to be controlling this for now
All in all the combination of everything she's taking, along with the environment she's being cared in, is definately slowing things down. But, and this is the BIG but, I don't think it's stopped in its tracks
How many days left? Don't know, and no-one will commit to that one. So take each day as it comes, and do it all now. Don't put off today what you can't do tomorrow.
Posted by alan at 12:02 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 30, 2004
More News from The BBC
Ivan's had a break away from it all, and is writing about his reactions and change in character.
It's interesting as I've noticed Jules change in character as the weeks and months pass. The difficulty, as I mentioned last time, is that Jules struggles getting across her true feelings. She looses patience with trying to say something if it's not immediately understood. And her tiredness is making her more and more frustrated when trying to explain to you what she's feeling or thinking. "Don't know" is a fairly standard response late in the day, along with "Piss Off" and other more strongly worded comment when pushed to explain what she means.
Posted by alan at 12:33 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Where Did The Evening Go?
Yesterday's course finished early so I was back in Stevenage for around 6pm. Popped over to ASDA for the weekly shop, then home as it's Monday off for visiting. Unpacked the shopping, had a bath, and then a lay down for five minutes and.......... woke up this morning So just under 12 hours sleep, and I feel great today
Thank goodness Primavera are supplying breakfast every day, otherwise I'd be starvin' by now
Posted by alan at 10:22 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 29, 2004
Back to work - urghh!
Back into the swing of things again, and yes, the weekend's aren't long enough.
Currently sat down at the Primavera offices being trained up on the latest release of P3e. Not a bad journey into London this morning, but we'll see what the journey back is like
Posted by alan at 10:16 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 28, 2004
Home Again!
Back from Hull, having raced home with Gareth at national speeds, honest
Popped up to the Hospice on the way home. Jules was in a tired state when I got over there Hospice, but still had enough energy for a cuddle
Couple of pics in the extended bit...
Her right eye's been playing up so they've put a patch over it and are giving her some eye cream to try and calm down the irritation. She's determined to clean her teeth every night too, and not too keen to hand over the tooth brush until it's all done and dusted.
Nearly finished
Posted by alan at 11:16 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Big Night Out
A mate from work has come up with me this weekend to sample the sights and sounds of Hull
Went around Beverley Road first, having one in every pub, before grabbing a bus into town and going round one or two places there.
Pics in the extended bit...
Before we went out we went for a quick pint in the village pub in Sutton. I've not been up there in ages, and was wondering if Riding was still available. Mmmmmm
Back at the house, everyone had arrived, and Mum's Taxi's took us the short trip out on to Beverley Road
Ian had bought some moustaches, and insisted we all wear them.
Some of us looked okay in them, some of us just looked Kev
Would you buy a used car from this man?
"Can I come and repair your appliance, please, Madame..."
Soon things were spinning out of control
Nigel had lost the glasses by now, along with most of his marbles
Nigel with a family friend, Emma Denman, who I've not seen for years and years. It was great catching up, and sorting out popping round next time I'm in Hull
Ian, using some rather unorthodox methods of hailing a taxi
Nigel, going all Braveheart and making a bid for freedom
Leaving things be before anyone saw him messing around in the skips...
Having gone back to Nigel's, it was time....
Soon the scary stories were being told
Posted by alan at 1:15 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
March 27, 2004
Quiet Night In South Dalton
Arrived at Nigel's about 7pm last night, then hit Beverley for a curry, then back to the local, the Pipe and Glass Inn
Didn't acheive our objective of emptying another of the luxury whiskeys during happy hour, but did get a good way down it
Pics in the extended bit once my Bluetooth decides to work...
Da Boyz in Da Pub - Nigel's local didn't know what had hit it
Posted by alan at 11:15 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 26, 2004
Off North
Just finished packing, and off up North for a break, sort out Mum's PC problems, and have a couple of beers with me bruv's
Managed to get off from work early, so might even get there before 10pm
I also need to get my hair cut, what do you think ?...
It ain't been this long in ages
Posted by alan at 2:15 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
March 25, 2004
Had a cracking, but long day away in Calais with Janet, Chris, and friends from work (Sy, The Don, and The Don's Family )
Pics will be forthcoming, but as I can't seem to get the Bluetooth to play ball, and it's getting waaaaay late, I'm off to bed. Keep an eye out in a couple of days
[UPDATE] Pics now here!!
Janet, after a few glasses of wine, enjoying the ambience
And me, suitably worse for wear, having enjoyed what was the best meal in a loooong time
My pud, a caramelised pineapple with grapes and ice cream, yummy
The Don, a regular on the trips, trying hard not to fall asleep
Too late
Posted by alan at 11:53 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
March 24, 2004
Tinned Ham
All of us on the Deletetheweb community have been suffering recently from a bout of spam. It comes and goes, but this last one has been a little more persistant. On Jules Weblog it's been targeting What A Great Time! for some reason. You can read the edited comments, with appropriate amendments if you so wish
Pics from tonight in the extended bit...
Eyes wide open, Jules concentrating hard on taking her medicine
Hopefully the spam will stop for now, there's enough to worry about without that lot clogging things up.
Posted by alan at 1:07 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 23, 2004
Jules seemed distant tonight, as if she was away off somewhere.
The headaches seem to have calmed down, and the nurses were saying she's not been complaining since going onto the higher steroid dosage and codine.
Pics in the extended bit...
Finger at the ready, but still not really saying or doing much. What was on her mind I don't know, but she just seemd to be looking off into the distance
Giving her a tickle brought some reaction back. See the shock and surprise as Jules slaps me, and I slap her back
Posted by alan at 11:07 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 22, 2004
Busy Times Ahead
Sorting out my diary for the coming weeks as it's "No Visits" day, and I've lots to be keeping me busy
This week is further training, Calasis Thursday, then off to Hull the end of the week for relaxation and sorting out things for Mum. Next week is 4 days off site training in London, then a day back in the office to do 5 days work in 1 day. And then it's Easter, and I need to sort out what everyone's doing then too, and maybe see if we can arrange for Jules to have a day visit home
Busy days indeed
Posted by alan at 9:07 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 21, 2004
Back Home (Not The Plan!)
Ended up not drinking as much as I thought I would last night, so at 3am this morning I drove home to our nice, warm, large bed
Weather's spoilt the plans for the day, we'd hoped to get Jules out into the gardens but it's been bucketing down since lunchtime. In fact, it really started to rain shortly after Sy picked me up to help him sort his collapsing fence.
Jules was quite chatty and lively today, making up for her marathon visiting schedule yesterday. She's eating like a horse too, having guzzled down a full custard pudding, and a sticky toffee steamed pud too. AND she wanted more after that as well The extra steroids for the swelling will be causing the increase in appetite, so the nursing staff are keeping an eye on her eating habits, other wise she'll balloon out of control
I can stick my tongue out further than you
Even tho' I was told to go home I did manage to get a bit of a cuddle, and was soon asleep myself
Posted by alan at 11:03 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 20, 2004
After a long string of visitors Jules wasn't really up for a curry and late night, so I popped in just to say hello. Tony and Jenny, a few of her friends from school, family, and then me. So I was told in not too many words to pack it in and bugger off
"Go Mum's and drink" was my instructions for the night, so that's what I'm off to do
Posted by alan at 7:42 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
What Happened There?
Popped down the Old Town for a beer on the way home, and find myself back at work this morning having had a night out and curry in Stotfold. Not that I'm complaining, but where did the evening go
Jules was really tired last night so I didn't go over since she'd hit the sack by around 7pm. The codine is knocking her for six, but it looks like the swelling has slowed down, so the pain killers might not be as necessary as earlier in the week.
Posted by alan at 2:44 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 19, 2004
Facing Up To It All
The internet is a brilliant thing. You can find out so much about everything. And you can get across to so many people. It's when reading Ivan Noble's postings on the BBC site that I sometimes wish that things hadn't turned out the way they have. Then Jules could've posted her own thoughts up here so that maybe this weblog would've been more of an insight into her thoughts, worries, and outlook.
In other news today, an announcement from the National Audit Office about cancer treatment:
BBC NEWS Health Wide variation in cancer services
Posted by alan at 12:24 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 18, 2004
The test is finished and off in the USA now awaiting marking. All going well we should get our results back early next week.
Jules had a couple of visitors tonight, Chris and Dan from college. They both commented on how well Jules looks, having not seen her since she'd moved from Lister.
Noticable tonight was how bad Jules memory has got. She doesn't seem to remember much from the last 2 or 3 years, but anything before that is crystal. She can't necessarily remember who's visited, but if you borrowed money, owe her a drink, or ask her about events 3 years or more ago it's as if it was yesterday.
They've also started her on a drug to slow down and hopefully stop involuntary shaking, similar to this time last year when she was first diagnosed. We'll know in the next few days the effects it has. Fingers crossed
Couple of pics in the extended bit...
Her headaches were getting bad today, so an icepack was called for, and it seemed to do the trick
Not the right finger, but you get the message. It seemed to calm her down, and cheered her up. Coupled with the codine, it soon knocked her out and she was away for the night
Posted by alan at 11:56 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
March 17, 2004
It's Arrived!
The big 50 question test arrived at 11am EST, or about 4pm UK time. Have gone through it twice now, and will revisit it tomorrow morning before emailing it back - fingers crossed
Jules seemed a little tired again tonight. The nurses have started giving her regular pain killers as the headache she's been suffering doesn't seem to shift as quickly. Also they're moving her onto a higher dosage of anti-swelling drugs, which should reduce any pressure that the tumour is bringing to bear on her head. A side effect of this is an increase in her appettite - something I can't see increasing any more when you see the amounts she's packing away on Friday and Saturday's takeaway nights They've also decided to stop sitting her out for long periods as her ability to sit straight upright has been noticably worse over the last few days, culminating in her nearly falling side ways in the bath yesterday. The physio is looking into an alternative wheelchair, more an armchair style, with additional padding around the sides. In the meantime it's best that she only sits out when someone's around to keep an eye on her, which means weekends as she's really washed out come the evening during the week.
Posted by alan at 10:32 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 16, 2004
It's Tomorrow!
Just realised it's the Primavera Certified Trainer 50 question test tomorrow. The last step on the road to becoming a fully qualified Primavera P3e trainer
Jules seemed happy with that tonight, don't know if it was the thought of me having to do another exam, or the thought of spending all the money that it'll earn me She even seemed keen on the idea of grabbing a taxi over to Stevenage to do some clothes shopping at the new Asda now that her incapacity benefit from last year has finally come through.
Oh, and before I forget, a few of you have pointed out that the job link ain't there anymore as it's been filled. Well, I've got a copy which I'll post a link to eventually. Wonder who's got the job?
Pic in the extended bit...
Jules , smiling as she has been doing the last few weeks. She's on Codine fulltime now as the headaches are causing her discomfort. And they're looking at changing the catheter to a more permanent type. She was also seeing things tonight, a sign that her eyesight in the left eye's starting to play up a little. But none of it seems to have hit her spirits yet
Posted by alan at 10:44 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 15, 2004
Sunday Recovery
Spent today recovering from last night. Drink, food, and lack of sleep combining to give a really bad head this morning. But Chris's girlfriend, Yuen, was on hand with Chris to cook up a corking full english - THE hangover cure of course
Popped over to see Jules with everyone whilst dinner was being cooked. And then home to crash, ready for a return to the daily grind Weekend's just ain't long enough.
Pics of last nights fun in the extended bit...
Laura, er, well, er, don't ask...
Lisa, Stu's better half, smiling. The wedding's only a year and a bit away now Stu
Laura, er, well, er, still not EXACTLY sure...
Me, unsurprisingly, looking worse for wear and being the other side of the lense yet again
Chris, well on his way to being drunk as a skunk
Chris's girlfriend, Yuen, not too sure if meeting the family was such a good idea
Well, what else are you supposed to do with a dessert spoon?
Hmm, yes, a lemon...
Janet, suitably merry, enjoying the night and celebrating her achievement
Whoops! Not saying who did it, but they should know better.
Posted by alan at 11:59 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 14, 2004
Just Bumming
Spent the day lazying around, doing the house cleaning thing, bit of tidying up in the garden and on the car. The usual stuff. Quite nice actually, having had a few recent weekends running around, to work, shops, hospice, with lots of people around too.
Quiet, peaceful, in fact I reckon the ol' batteries have charged right up
Off to see Jules in a few minutes, then it's out for drinks and food to celebrate Janet's passing her exams and getting a full-time job now that she's finally qualified. So no postings until VERY LATE tomorrow me thinks
Posted by alan at 4:09 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
March 13, 2004
All Up To Date
Pics pubished, entries turned from draft to publish, everything is there to read once more Probably bext reading the archives for February and March, links on the right hand side.
Off to see Jules this afternoon then it's out to celebrate Janet's graduation and getting a proper job. Hopefully the weather'll stay nice and we can get out for a breath of fresh air
Debbie, or Dennis as Jules put it, popped by to see Jules . And she commented on how well she's looking, seemingly more happy and making more of an effort.
We'd arrived just as dinner was arriving, so we watched as Jules tucked into a fav evening meal - Cheese Omelette
Lightning fast, even with the temptation of a chocolate pudding, the finger appears like a bolt from the blue
And even when she can't stick her finger up, there's something that will do it for her
Posted by alan at 12:31 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 12, 2004
Not Staying After All
Went up to the Hospice all prepared to stay over, and was told, "Go home"
Had a cracking curry again from the local curry house, and stayed until 11pm chatting. Don't know why I was told to go, but the nursing staff did say Jules was a little edgy today, little things being embarassing for her. See how she is tomorrow.
We also had a fair old dollop of snow this morning too, pics in the extended bit...
The view down the street.
The cars, covered once again.
Things looking decidely frozen for a mid-March
Posted by alan at 11:53 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 11, 2004
What's New Pussy Cat!
After last nights discussions I decided to bundle the cat in the back of the car and pop over tonight and surprise Jules And what a surprise
Pics in the extended bit
Surprise Spitfire visits, seeing Jules for the first time in many months
Once out the box he soon settled in cuddling Jules .
He seemed very content lying on the bed beside Jules , purring away
And it wasn't long before he was demanding some attention from "Mum"
Whilst we all grabbed a drink he popped over to the window ledge to see what he could see, and soon fell asleep.
Posted by alan at 10:05 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
March 10, 2004
Long Time
It's been a hectic few weeks, what with colds, sore throats, work, and keeping up the visits I've lost track of when I last updated the weblog. But have no fear, come back in a couple of days and it'll be full of posts. A few are already hidden in the wings, in draft, I'm just waiting on Orange to sort out their GPRS coverage, and also find out why my Bluetooth has suddenly lost its reliability.
Jules is doing well, after a quiet weekend. She didn't seem herself on Saturday when Dave and Michele popped by. But their delightful little bundle of joy, Niamh (Neeve) was soon laughing and giggling, much to Jules amusement She hasn't stopped talking about it
, and managed to convince the staff yesterday that she's having a baby
Last night saw Jules back to how she's been of late, cheeky, full of beans, and really chatty. We're having postal votes here in June and a signature is required. And like with everything else she insisted on reading it before signing, not trusting me that I'm not letting her sign her life away "X marks the spot" was the comment passed as she put pen to paper.
Work wise I'm rushed off my feet as we start to push people thro' the training and use of the new software tool. Many people have asked about what I do, and the nature of the job and industry does limit what you can and can't explain. So it's with great news that I can point you here. It's my job, nearly. Which, I suppose, should be worrying. Except I'm registered with the agency, and they should've passed my details on. Which could prove interesting in the weeks to come
Posted by alan at 1:29 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 9, 2004
After the weekend Jules had seemed to be really quiet and not herself. Worry that perhaps things are deterioating. But the rest of the treatment that arrived on Friday is now underway once more, and tonight she seemed sooo much more her old self.
Pic in the extended bit...
Big smiles all round, something lacking over the weekend, but back with a vengance tonight
Posted by alan at 11:04 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 8, 2004
Quiet Night In
After all the rushing around over the weekend it's nice to come home, sort out the house and crash out. Monday's are becoming a really good time for batteries to be recharged, emails and weblog to be sorted, and a nice whiskey to be enjoyed
Posted by alan at 10:57 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 7, 2004
Just Not Herself
Jules seemed really quiet and not really herself again today. Distant I suppose is the best description.
We watched Bugs Life again and that seemed to cheer her up a little. But she still seemed to have things bothering her.
Pic in the extended bit...
Jules , last night, Bailey's in hand, tucking into another Indian feast
And tonight, Jules , no gesture, no smile, just not quite right
Posted by alan at 10:53 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 6, 2004
Curry Night
Saturday nights in, staying over, and getting a curry - it's becoming a regular thing now
And since Maria pointed out the curry house just round the corner it's even easier getting a curry. Which reminds me, it'll be ready now so I'd better go and pick it up
Pics from Friday in the extended bit...
Jules , on Friday, looking very happy and pleased with herself.
Even managed a smile without the finger
Me, shortly before I fell into a drunken sleep
And the aforementioned drunken sleep
Saturday afternoon, Dave & Michele popped by with their little bundle of joy, Niamh. Niamh found knocking the box of choc's off the table very funny, and Dave did point out this would bode well for her in the future, no doubt smashing the house up and laughing
Jules had a whale of a time, and wouldn't stop talking about Naimh after they'd gone. We even popped outside to wave goodbye, then ran straight back in as it was freezing
A pic of the pair of us and Niamh, courtesy of Mr Hughes, another budding David Bailey
Posted by alan at 5:52 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 5, 2004
Out Once Again
Popping over to the Hospice with Chris and Janet tonight to drop off the latest delivery of treatment. Then Chris is accompanying me over to Stotfold for a few jars with Gareth, and no doubt some meaningful discussion about computer coding - NOT
Better get going before anyone notices I'm still at work this late on a Friday
Posted by alan at 5:52 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 4, 2004
Nearly The Weekend
It's nearly the weekend, plans already underway to go out for a drink
Jules was full of beans again tonight, being cheeky, chatty, and violent. I wish she'd stop the slapping, although I've started to slap her back, which was enough of a shock tonight for her to use a few choice words
Jules , cheeky as ever, deciding against the normal finger salute, and instead sticking out the tongue
Posted by alan at 11:29 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 3, 2004
Wine, Cheer & Song!
Just finished seeing Jules tonight, Sy popped along with us, having been to a Wine Society wine tasting straight from work. Lots of very nice drinks, and some interesting advice on how to taste and enjoy wines properly. I even found some white wines I would consider drinking instead of red
Jules was really chirpy, having a good chat with Sy, me and Janet. Sy did say he was very impressed with her change in mood compared to when he'd last seen her at the Lister
And finally, today was my first proper day training, having left Phil in the lurch yesterday by walking out to a meeting half way thro explaining what a WBS was and how the EPS in P3e reflects this. And you'd only understand how bad that is if you work here
Posted by alan at 11:46 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 2, 2004
The First Of Many
We started training today, taking the first victims through the process of how to use P3e at work. I didn't spend much time there, having to jump out for other meetings, but Phil seemed to think all went well. It's quite a new way of thinking, and a new process of doing things, so it's a lot to get through in 2 days. I've already been earmarked for a full half day session tomorrow, so that'll be fun
Jules was really chatty again, having had a day off from all the visitors yesterday. We should be getting the remaining treatment by the end of the week, so hopefully we'll see more change for the good
Posted by alan at 10:45 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
March 1, 2004
Monday nights off are becoming a real god-send. I've been able to spend more time over the Hospice at weekends, stay the night just about every weekend too. And then spend tonight sorting out everything I'd be rushing around to do at the weekend.
So, hot bath, chilli con carne, and bed. Might even be asleep before 9pm
Posted by alan at 7:45 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 29, 2004
Snow Again!
Woke up this morning to discover we'd had a dusting of snow overnight. It was all gone by lunchtime. Jules saw it from the comfort of her warm room when she got up for breakfast.
Couple of pics of the snow in the extended bit
The view down the street, but not as much as the Great Snow of 2003
Bit of a job this morning clearing the snow off the cars
Posted by alan at 10:44 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 28, 2004
Cold Day
Feeling rough after last night out in Stotfold. Did a large amount of work on VB scripts, sad I know, but should've kept off the Laphroiag. I'm feeling it today, urgh
Lyn & Laurie popped over to see Jules tonight, and then took me and Janet out for a chinese. We'd have gone for a curry only it was freeeeezing and the chinese is right next to where we parked
Jules seemed to have improved again, and Laurie said he's noticed a difference from last week. Most of the treatment is with her now, so it does look like it's having some sort of effect.
A few pics in the extended bit...
Proof of our hard work last night. On the left, a curry house menu. On the right, sheets and sheets of VB script. Ohh the suffering I put myself thro' for the job, cough
Jules, cleaning her teeth, something she's started to insist on doing every night. Of course, I've been instructed to go and buy her an electric one, since she's told me it's hard enough using a manual one
Posted by alan at 11:43 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 27, 2004
It surprised me just how many people are reading this. You kinda forget just who knows and who's found out. The other day some friends of Jules popped by to see her and it was extremely spooky the way they knew about everything, coz I'd forgotten I'm typing in everything just about here
Also, and this was the BIG surprise of today, I got given a VERY NICE bottle of Glenmorangie from one of my work colleague's. A very select Port Wood finish one, which I've buddled in the car for post-hostelry enjoyment tonight Cheers Jon
Posted by alan at 6:12 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 26, 2004
Walked into Jules ' room tonight to find her lounging around in bed, drink in hand, without a care in the world
To see what I mean, have a look in the extended bit...
Jules relaxing watching telly. She'd somehow managed to turn herself around in bed, a good sign that she's trying hard to move more. But a painful one as she'd managed to wedge herself between the bed sides
She was dead determined to try and do things herself tonight, even asking to help get her out of bed and into a chair like we'd managed the other day.
In other news, Ivan Noble's back from hospital, as it says in his latest installment on the BBC site:
BBC NEWS Health Tumour diary Back home
Posted by alan at 2:20 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 25, 2004
More Snow!
Woke up this morning to snow again. Not nearly as much as before, and a lot harder to clear as it had started to freeze. Bitterly cold too, brrrrgghhh
Jules hadn't seen it when I popped in as it had all but melted by early morning.
More snow, and heavier downfall than last time
If it wasn't melting I'd have said someone had sprayed the car with funny foam
The rest of the fleet looking cold and sorry for themselves.
Better start clearing it off the car otherwise I ain't ever getting into work
Posted by alan at 10:41 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 24, 2004
Coming Down
I'm definately not right, having again spent the day with matchsticks in my eyes, despite the comments of nothing changes
Popped in to see Jules briefly as I was soon asleep in the chair, and she's feeling very tired too. The treatment has arrived at last so we dropped that in too.
Off to bed now before I bang my head on the keyboard
Posted by alan at 9:16 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
February 23, 2004
I don't know what's hitting me, but I'm so glad tonight's the night off. I'm off to bed after a relaxing bath, having spent most of today at work nodding off. Of course, those of you at work will no doubt comment on the fact that today was no different to any other day, and not catching me dozing would be a turn up for the books
Posted by alan at 8:43 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 22, 2004
Lazy Sunday
Mum took me shopping, so the fridge is full a day early this time round. We then popped up to the Hospice with Shiela's chocolate cake to pose the question to Jules:
"Alan or Cake?"
I'm not saying what the answer was, but have a peek in the extended bit for all the pics

Posted by alan at 10:40 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 21, 2004
Visiting Relatives
My aunt and uncle, Shiela and Andy, came up for a very belated Christmas present giving. And whilst here they popped in to see Jules , having not had chance before Christmas.
Also, Mum came down for the weekend to see them too, it being a half way point. And also to pop and see Jules in her new environment, having had PC problems stop her last time they were down.
Me? Well, having now just recovered from last night, I'm off to bed
Posted by alan at 11:23 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 20, 2004
Good News for Ivan
As I've posted in the past, BBC News Online science and technology writer Ivan Noble has been writing about his recovery after being diagnosed as having a brain tumour. Well, he's successfully pulled thro' a third operation and it would seem things are looking up for him
BBC NEWS Health Tumour diary After surgery
Posted by alan at 12:59 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 19, 2004
Night Off
Janet's got a final uni report to get in tomorrow, and I've had a late one at work discussing this and that which then ran onto a pint down the snooker club.
I'm now slowly working my way down my brother's birthday present, a bottle of Single Barrel Jack Daniels, and think it's about time I went to sleep before I get any further
Posted by alan at 11:59 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 18, 2004
New Brain Scan Method
Some interesting developments with brain scans:
BBC NEWS Health Scan may boost brain cancer care
Other news: Jules okay, seemingly tired, but eating and laughing all the same
Posted by alan at 11:09 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 17, 2004
Hip To Be Square
Stuart and Janet popped over with me tonight, and as always Stu had his cap on. And before long it was on someone else's head
Jules was really chirpy again tonight, really happy and laughing with Stu as he messed about with the baseball cap.
Pics in the extended bit...
Jules looking decidely unhip, but having a laugh none the less
Posted by alan at 11:38 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 16, 2004
Not visiting on Monday's means I'm now doing my shopping instead. This, of course, annoy's my brother no end when he visits as there's never anything in the fridge.
Well Ian, the fridge is full once more, so get your arse down sharpish before it's all gone
Posted by alan at 10:58 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 15, 2004
Sleepy Day
After the late night and pizza's Jules has been a sleepy head today. The treatment is running out and Stu's having trouble getting more ordered, so that could be another reason for her sleepy nature.
We'll know later in the week when it's delivered and Jules can start back on it again.
Pics of the Valentines dec's in Jules room...
Balloons with our names on
Mystery bear, I can't remember who sent it, so sorry for forgetting
More balloons on the window ledge too
Posted by alan at 11:57 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 14, 2004
Got a text off a friend wishing me a happy valentines, but no cards in the post
Off to spend the night over at the Hospice with my Valentine. I've got my instructions from last night, pizza and video, so I'm just off to sort that all out before I go over.
Pics, news, etc... tomorrow as I'll be away tonight
Posted by alan at 4:57 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 13, 2004
So What's This Treatment All About?
As promised a list of the herbal suppliments and B17 stuff that Jules is taking.
Also some links and places on the web that explain what it is, does, and possibly could do.
All in the extended bit
- Alkazyme 3 - containing green plus, digeszyme-V concentrate, pancreatin 8X
- Pharma Nord Bio-Quinone Q10 GOLD 100 mg
- J1 (tablet) (bn00001/exp00005) - a concoction of The Chiron Clinic
- J2 (liquid) (bn00001/exp00005) - a concoction of The Chiron Clinic
- J3 (powder) (bn00001/exp00005) - a concoction of The Chiron Clinic
- Zell Oxygen by Dr Wolz Sell GmbH - an energy prudcing food
- Loradicin - a combination of barley, oats, spirulina (the most nutritious, concentrated food known to man), dunaliella salina, chlorella, kelp, kakadu plum (natures best source of vitamin C), wheat germ (natures best source of vitamin E). All ingredients pre-digested with 14 species of organic lactobacillus bacteria including l.acidophilus, l.delbrueckii, l.caseii.
- barley grass Hordeum vulgare - the only vegetation on the earth that can supply sole nutritional support from birth to old age.
- active H - Fuel for life.
- alkazyme 3 - a combination of rice cones, green plus (a special blend of freeze-dried fresh barley grass, wheat grass, alfalfa, chlorophyll, parsley, celery, spniach, spirulina and watercress), vegetable pancreatin, pancreatin 8X, magnesium stearate.
- Oxyguard - anti-oxidant and liver tonic with glutathione 5c
All part of the treatment regime put together by Dr Nyjon Eccles BSc MBBS PhD MRCP at the Chiron Clinic, 121 Harley Street, London.
Chiron Clinic
Chiron Clinic Online
Cancer - Information and Treatment
Shittake Mushrooms
Posted by alan at 10:34 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 12, 2004
Speak Proper
At last a website is being set up to promugate the Queens English, as it should be spoken.
BBC NEWS England West Yorkshire Dialect archive put on t'internet
Nowt wrong wi' that

Posted by alan at 12:12 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack
February 11, 2004
Birthday Girl
It's Laura's birthday today, so we all popped over to see Jules before going out for tea.
As an aside I've been searching up on the treatments Jules is taking as part of the B17 regime, so I'll be posting up the details, info, etc... over the weekend. I'ts pretty amazing stuff, all full of energy and nutrients, so it's pretty obvious as to why Jules is perky these days. Coupled with the environment she's a load more happy than before, which is great
Posted by alan at 11:12 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
February 10, 2004
I'm Back!
Ahh, home again
Jules was quite perky tonight, and big smiles when I walked in
Off to bed, had me bath and ready for some zeds
Posted by alan at 11:10 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
At Last!
The PC's been stable for most of the day now so I'm hitting the road and heading back to Stevenage asap before I get caught up
Should be back in time for tea, popping in to see Jules , then home for a nice hot bath
Posted by alan at 1:50 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 9, 2004
Still sorting my Mum's work PC out. A bit easier now that ADSL has been installed, since the updates for all the software whiz down the line faster than the blink of an eye. But it's a bit disconcerting when the PC keeps coming up with the news that the modem ain't there no more
Ohhh the joys of Microsoft
Off to visit a breakers yard in a few minutes to get some time out from all this, then it's back to Nige's cottage for some R&R. Can see tomorrow isn't going to be back in Stevenage after all
Posted by alan at 2:49 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
February 8, 2004
A Day of Rest
A long lie in and then off to work to try and finish sorting the PC. And yeap, not having any of it. So off to Nige's for tea and some drinkies.
The aftermath of last night can be viewed in the extended bit...
Ian, waiting for food
Nige, all cool looking, with his sid-es
Kev never managed to recover from his day at work all night
Me, hungry and ready for food
Nige and Geoff, my Mum's boyfriend, waiting at the bar for beers
Side view of Nige's sid-es
Mother and son, happy together
Mother and other son, not so happy together
The bruv's keeping an eye on things
A view of the fallout towards the end of the night...
Later in Hockneys on the dancefloor, mother and son happy once more
The bruv's looking mean and puzzled
Mum, well on her way to being sloshed
All in all a good night, great chance to catch up with people I've not seen for a while, and let everyone know how Jules is doing. Hope you're reading it now
Posted by alan at 3:08 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 7, 2004
New PC Troubles
So, the main reason for coming up was to sort the works PC out. And sort it I have. Not 100% but the software is on bar the updates, which we'll do on Monday with the ADSL installed.
Off back to Mum's to prepare for the night on the town, a chance to unwind and catch up with everyone. I'll post up pics tomorrow when we pop back into work
Posted by alan at 4:47 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 6, 2004
Homeward Bound
I'm off up North for a weekend fixing PC's, drinking with my brothers, and sampling some of the fine whiskeys on sale at Nige's local pub.
Shame that I decided to upload some project files today. I mean't to leave at 2pm, and I'm just finishing now
Ah well, as Ian says, it'd be a record breaker if I got up to Hull before 9pm on a Friday
Posted by alan at 6:07 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Chinese Whine
Spent last night over in Sandy sampling some rather fine wines with friends from work. Bit worse for wear getting home last night.
Nick got a pic of me, in the extended bit...
Having run for the last train I slowly dissolve in front of the camera. I really need to get some exercise, I am sooo unfit
Posted by alan at 1:49 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 5, 2004
Bad News!
As I've posted in the past, BBC News Online science and technology writer Ivan Noble has been writing about his recovery after being diagnosed as having a brain tumour. Unfortunately, from his latest posting, it seems things aren't going the right way:
BBC NEWS Health Tumour diary A major setback
Our thoughts are with him and the family, fingers crossed the next op works out well

And in other news...
Apparently it's okay for Jules to slap me, it doesn't hurt that much, well, at least according to the latest medical research:
BBC NEWS Health Pain from a woman will hurt less
Don't mention this to Jules when you next see her, I won't feel the end of it
Posted by alan at 1:36 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 4, 2004
Popped up to see Jules after my trip with a little gift. And she was able to explain exactly what it was, and where it was from
Janet told me she's really talking a load more than before, which is really encouraging. And her left leg is moving lots too. Good news, but difficult to determine if it's the environment and staff, or the B17 treatment.
Pics in the extended bit...
Looking not too bothered to see me, Jules awake and full of beans
She's having her bad days and good, and can get quite tired some nights, as the photo's showing. Which I didn't mind, as I'm still shatttered from the trip. Oh, and she liked the t-shirt, even explaining where it was from and reading out the name on the front of it
Posted by alan at 10:24 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 3, 2004
Rome In A Day
Just got back from Rome in the last few minutes, delays and baggage problems mean't the 20:20 arrival didn't until 21:05, then took over 30 minutes before baggage was cleared. Then ages to get over to the car park and an hour and a bits drive home.
I'm shattered
Few pics and things in the extended bit...
Back! YAWN
Me ticket, and some afternoon tea. The meals and plane journey where out of this world. Bit of a delay coming back, stuck in Heathrow for nearly an hour waiting for the baggage to be cleared off the plane.
A little pressie for Jules , hope she likes it
Posted by alan at 11:34 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 2, 2004
Off Again!
Off yet again with work, this time to romantic Rome. So no postings until late tomorrow night.
Jules is okay, nothing to report, as today's our "day off" at the Hospice.
Posted by alan at 12:01 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
February 1, 2004
Happy Birthday 2 Me
Back down the Hospice this afternoon for a bit of a party. Took in a few things for Jules, including a Curdcake, which went immediately, and some homemade chutney for her cheese on toast.
Pics in the extended bit...
Jules getting stuck into a bottle of Baileys Glide, with a little encouragement from "Delboy"
Me getting my birthday
Tony recounted a funny joke, and Jules just couldn't stop laughing
Posted by alan at 11:57 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Having A Bath
Just popped home after last night, to drop off the bedding, and pick up stuff to take over there today. Jules is having a bath as I type, and I think I might well go and have one too
Pics from yesterday and this morning in the extended bit...
Jules enjoying breakfast and struggling to stay awake The staff left us to lie in until around 11am, which went down well with Sleepy Head
Breakfast finished, and Jules is out for the count
Posted by alan at 12:14 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 31, 2004
Birthday Party
Going over the Hospice tonight for a pre-Birthday party. Only 2 people going to be there, and it'll be an all night affair
Posted by alan at 2:09 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 30, 2004
I recently changed jobs at work, and as a result now have a laptop. Which does have its advantages outside of work (shhh )
To see why, click away into the extended bit...
Although the works laptop can't connect directly to the web, it does have the ability to display sites offline. So Jules caught up on the pics and news I've been posting up. She even tried to type up a quick email, but struggled because of her tunnel vision problems, and the fact it's hard to see clearly on a LCD display. The Hospice have a PC, so she might try and see if she can fair better on a normal computer.
Trying desperately to snap a pic of Jules without sticking up the finger
It just ain't happening, is it
AT LAST She's in a really chirpy mood, and the docs are happy with her progress too.
Posted by alan at 10:31 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Hopefully this won't put you off your lunch:
BBC NEWS Science-Nature Whale explodes in Taiwanese city
Posted by alan at 1:29 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 29, 2004
Been to see Jules after a night off due to the bad weather.
She's really getting into the treatment and drinking all the fluids she needs to. And her appetite's growing, eating more each day
A few pics in the extended bit
Cup of tea in hand, Jules was messing about not drinking it properly
Janet asked her to try and drink properly, only for Jules to give her the "tongue" response
So I told Jules she needs to close her mouth and drink. So, full of sarcasm, she did
Having got a CD player for Christmas I'd said to everyone to get Jules some dance CD's. And my Mum bought her a selection, which had her away pretty much for the rest of the night
And so, before I left, I asked Jules for a message to her online fans... Need I say more
Posted by alan at 10:43 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
No News Is Good News!
Been mega busy with lots of different things, not helped by the sudden, unexpected arrival yesterday of an inch of snow.
Pics, news, and blog entries forthcoming soon
Posted by alan at 1:11 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 28, 2004
It's snowing
A few pics of the "heavy" snowfall in the extended bit...
Walking down the street, early morning view.
The car, covered in snow.
A side view of the car, looking like it's been sprayed with silly foam
The rest of the fleet, equally sprayed up
Spitfire, finding the only place free of snow, up a tree
Posted by alan at 8:50 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 27, 2004
Nothing New
Popped into see Jules with Janet, having missed out over the weekend sorting the PC problems.
She's still doing great. Spoke to the nurses and they said they've noticed she's making more of an effort to try and do things for herself. And really trying to get sat up and turn round so she's sitting on the bedside.
I really think the environment has had a real effect on her, and it's great seeing her talk more, listen more, and laugh looooooads more
Posted by alan at 10:50 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 26, 2004
Night Off
Monday nights, as mentioned before, are a night off for visiting. So I'm home, beer in hand, waiting for the bath to finish running. Then off to bed to recover some of the sleep lost over the weekend partying
Posted by alan at 8:19 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 25, 2004
Bang Goes The PC
My Mum's work PC blew up on Thursday, and was very much Dead On Arrival when we took it out the car today. Fortunately Phil had managed to sort a new one, so todays job was to rebuild all the files and software onto the new one.
It took all day, and I'm just finishing off the final install now. Mum's planning to be up at 4am tomorrow to get back to Hull, brave woman.
Didn't manage to get over to see Jules , but Janet's old neighbour Collette and her baby, Morgan, popped by, along with Uncle Tony and Aunt Jenny.
Posted by alan at 9:58 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 24, 2004
Popped In, Drunk Out!
Ian and Nig popped over to see Jules with me this afternoon, after spending most of the morning in bed whilst I slaved away in work.
Mum turned up around 8pm so we decided against a big night out and just popped down the Old Town. And a monster Chinese, which is downstairs getting cold, so I'm off
Pics in the extended bit
Ian, having trouble with his nose, or so he said
A jug of Vodka Red Bull each, and Ian sucking away on his
Nige enjoying his jug, having not had chance to drink the night before (driving)
Mum having a swift pint whilst waiting for Ian to return with more jugs
Mum enjoying a jugful
Posted by alan at 11:48 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 23, 2004
What was intended to be a quiet afternoon out with the FiP posse turned into a surprise night out after my brothers just appeared in the Exchange bar
Pics, news, etc... in the extended bit
The Don, puzzled again as to why he's not won anything this year
Alphabet Boy, the shock of the season, not winning as expected
Once the awards were over, it was time to catch up with Chris and go for a few beers down the Leisure Park...
Chris, downing yet another bottle of Miller in Exchange
The surprise of the night, thro the fuzzy vision of drunkeness, Nig and Ian turning up
Once we'd got into Chicago's the barstaff were less than accomodating. A stare from Ian, and the beers flowed once more
Ian and Nig, brothers-in-arms, headbutting each other... It's a Northern thing
Soon the punches were flying...
Ian, slowly turning into the Devil, shouting for another drink
Probably the stupidest thing all night, somone letting off a small nuclear device on the dance floor..... or a flashing light - take your pick
Chris has many skills.... Taking a picture whilst drunk isn't one of them
Whilst Chris cleans Ian's head another explosion
Posted by alan at 11:58 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 21, 2004
What A Great Time!
Staying over was great, that's all I can say
As promised, pics from last night in the extended bit - be aware, there's quite a few
Everyone popped by, including Jules close work friend from Lister. Celia was able to fill Jules in on all the latest gossip, and take back some messages for them too
A Forever Friends teddy bear from Celia, and a big grin from Jules
Chris and Laura, Jules bruv and sis from the weblog comments fame, watch on as Jules rips her presents to shreds
Jules , ripping away into the next present.
Stuart, his better half, Lisa, and Lisa's mum Carol popped by too.
Jules , happy as ever, enjoying a great birthday
"What's this?", Jules puzzles over her last present off her Mum and family.
She soon realises what they are - Condoms
Laughing away, "Thank You"
After we'd opened the presents it was time for tea. Chris ordered, and then Janet popped back over to Stevenage to pick up Jules fav from her fav place.
Jules tucking into her fav, Chicken Tikka Masala, Mushroom Pilau, and Peshwari Nan
While we'd been finishing off tea, Laura had been busy away in Jules room sorting out the bed, decorations, and just making the place look really pretty. Jules expression says it all, she was really happy
"Wakey-wakey" The nurses gave us a loooong lie-in, and Jules was really reluctant to get out of bed. Yesterday was a long day, and took it out of her.
Time for the B17 cocktail, and the face says it all. She's a real trooper, drinking the stuff, coz I'm pretty sure I'd be struggling to. It smells awful
Posted by alan at 11:48 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
January 20, 2004
Happy Birthday!
Today's Jules ' birthday. I've got the afternoon off, and will be off up the Hopsice as soon as the washing's done, and the last prezzie's are wrapped.
I'm also staying the night, so won't be posting any pics up until tomorrow
Posted by alan at 3:14 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 19, 2004
Only 1 Day To Go!
The Hospice don't have visiting on Monday's, giving families and patients a chance to catch up on rest. But if there's good reason for someone to have to visit, and the patient is happy, then they'll accomodate it. So today Father Frank popped in, and her cousin Jo, on her only day off. Also with Jo were her Aunt Lynn and her danger-seeking cousin Mark, who's off abroad once more to try and break another limb
Jules is getting all ready for her birthday tomorrow. And I've got permission to stay over, so will be booking the afternoon off to sort out stuff, as well as the Wednesday morning.
Still cracking on with the treatment, although Jules is finding it heavy going with the taste.
Posted by alan at 10:12 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 18, 2004
The End of A Great Weekend
Jules has been in a cheerful mood all weekend, full of energy, and eager to keep going with the B17 treatment, even if it's a bit tasteless
To give you an idea of her feelings, have a look in the extended bit for a pic...
Posted by alan at 11:08 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 17, 2004
Good Night!
Popped back tonight, having popped home for a bite to eat, bath, and bring in the clean clothes for Jules .
She's now had her second installment of the treatment. She's also really coming out of herself, which I'm guessing must be down to the friendly warm environment at the Hospice. No more simple nodding, thumbs up, but regular yes, no, and even words describing what she wants.
A few pics in the extended bit
Jules , really happy, smiling lots, oh, and still giving it the finger
The treatment requires lots of fluids, not particularly tasty ones, so everything's being washed down with pineapple juice, or the odd drop of Smirnoff Ice
Fast asleep
It's been a busy day, lots of people visiting. But the best bit for me was being able to stay and fall asleep with her. Something I haven't done since August
Posted by alan at 10:44 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Treatment Has Started
After many weeks and months sorting out, the alternative treatment using B-17 started today. Jules wasn't too keen on the taste, but as I said, most things that are good for you tend not to have that processed nice taste to them.
Some pics in the extended bit...
Jules , after her first proper bath in 5 months. A bit of a major exercise getting her in and out, but as she says, well worth the effort
"Bottoms Up"
Almost finished, most of it is soluble so Jules can drink it down, but it ain't the best tasting stuff in the world
So what do you think of the taste? It says it all, don't it
Posted by alan at 6:25 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 16, 2004
Settled In
Popped up straight from work to see Jules, all settled in and feeling happy at the Hospice.
Pics in the extended bit
Jules, extremely happy with the move, all settled in and smiling
"Shhhhh", time for sleep, so we left her to doze off.
Posted by alan at 7:23 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Chopper Returns!
The bike of my childhood is back Never owned one myself, and my brother had the cheap copy.
BBC NEWS UK Design classic that entranced kids
A chance to own one, I better start saving
Posted by alan at 1:05 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
January 15, 2004
Back from Paris!
Arrived home tonight, wet and tired, after a long day away in Paris with work.
Jules is now over at the hospice in Letchworth, settled in. She had her first piece of toast in over 5 months, which went down well. And lots of chocolate cake for tea.
I'm off to bed now, but I've posted up a few pics of the trip just so you all get an idea of the terrible suffering I had to endure....
First off the Business Lounge, and all the food you can eat Bang goes the diet!
Champagne at 180mph, in the UK!! The speed was amazing, it really feels you're zooming along, and only 20 minutes in the tunnel!
Dinner on the way over, not that you have much time to enjoy it. The journey was only 2 hours 20 minutes, and it went past in no time
Main course, and another bottle of wine
All in all a fantastic trip, a real experience and something I'd love to do again. Rumours are we'll be going to Rome next time
Posted by alan at 10:48 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack