August 8, 2003
Well, we now know the reason for Jules vision problems. The tumour is growing still, and is putting pressure on the optic nerves going to both eyes. So, it's back to hospital for another op.
There are risks, she might loose her sight all together. But the consultant's said if we don't do anything her sight will go anyway.
So, but of a bugger really. Wasn't expecting to have to be going back to hospital soo soon. Now looks like the next couple of weeks instead.
Off down the pub with my younger brother, Ian, and her younger brother, Chris, to relax and let it sink in...
Posted by alan at 6:51 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 6, 2003
Off to London Friday
Well, after chasing around, Jules has an appointment on Friday to discuss the scan and her lack of vision.
Problem is, my younger bro is down. Sooooo.....
He and me will pop in the local Rat & Parrott whilst Jules goes to her meeting.
Posted by alan at 1:45 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 4, 2003
Surf's Up!
Well, the car club forum's crashed, so I've suddenly found lots of spare time to surf around looking at side effects of Jules hormone treatment. And...
Side Effects of Cortisone Treatment
Note the comments about high blood pressure(), blurred vision (
), oh, and more importantly, change of character.
Hopefully this explains her lack of vision. We'll wait and see what the experts say.
Posted by alan at 11:27 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
August 1, 2003
Well, if you've been asleep or in hibernation round our way, you'll not know about the big concert. And if you are in and around Knebworth you'll know that trying to escape Stevenage at this precise moment in time is nigh on impossible.
Why everyone didn't expect this I'll never know. It's simple maths. There are 70,000 people in Stevenage, moving around, and we've now an additional 120,000 descending on the far southern corner from every direction.
Chaos? Nahh, that was back in January when it snowed for a couple of minutes....
Posted by alan at 2:38 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 31, 2003
Scanning Thro'
Well, Jules had her scan today, and the results will be phoned thro' soon. She also booked her blood test day, yes, that's right, a full day of blood testing. Now that'll be fun, won't it.
A worrying thing tho was the comment that she has to stop all her non-hormone medication for 6 weeks. She didn't do that last time, so have they given her the wrong doses? It would certainly explain her super energetic "Go-Get-Em" attitude that has developed in the last few weeks.
I mean, there's only so much eagerness one can take in a day.
Posted by alan at 9:42 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 28, 2003
Trip home
Well, having not been up to Hull in a while, it was time to go back up. The fact there was a carshow at York Dragway helped too!
Everyone commented on Jules looking well. But because of the rush up there and back we never got chance to sample the delights of Bev Road. Maybe next time up!
Posted by alan at 1:30 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 20, 2003
He's 40!!!!!
Dave Gibbon, a good friend who moved away a few years back with the rest of the Gibbon gang, was Forty, yeap 40, the big 4-0, over the hill, this week.
So a party of massive proportions required. And in true Ground Force style, the garden decking was finished only hours before the party started!
Pic's from the day/night:
Posted by alan at 11:44 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 17, 2003
No chance of the Olympics then...
Well, having had a very long day down at the Royal Free seeing people about her eyesight and hormones, we return to Stevenage, with me feeling as rough as old boots. In fact, after this I'm off to bed.
Anyho's, full details, ins and outs, in the extended bit. Click away!
Eyesight doesn't seem to be getting worse, and not sure if any better. The right eye has a problem with the motor control, i.e. it doesn't move as quickly and in sync with the left eye - so she's Jules "Right Eye" Page now.
Vision is okay, in so far as she can see with both eyes. But the double vision seems to be better than it was straight after the op. Time will tell.
Hormones - the remaining chunk of the tumour is sat around one of the optic nerves causing the above mentioned problems. It's also sat around the Pituitary
gland. So, having had lots of tests it turns out that Jules ain't producing enough thyroxine and cortisol, which does explain her symptoms of tiredness, cold, lack of appetite. A HUGE bag of pills, expensive too, and we're off home. Of course, with all these steroids and hormone replacement, she's buggered for the 2008 Olympics now.
Some interesting websites on all this:
Pituitary Network Association - Disorders - Hypopituitarism
The Brain Tumor Foundation - Meningiomas
Posted by alan at 5:31 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
July 13, 2003
Surprise Trip to Scarborough!
We're off to Scarborough on a steam train..... at 6:55am
More pics to follow, but for now, click the usual extended bit below
Jules , none the too happy about getting up sooooo early
60009 arriving at Doncaster (photo : Railway Touring Company)
A link to a site detailing the trip:
Railway Touring Company - The Scarborough Flyer
Posted by alan at 8:40 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 9, 2003
Whoops! Go Home
Well, given all the commotion of the last 2 days trying to sort this blood test, Jules forgot about her appointment to revisit Occy Health at Lister as part of her protracted return to work.
So, no go back today. And thanks to the "once a week" operation of the department, the earliest she can see them now is next week.
Well, at least the weather's holding
Posted by alan at 12:50 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 8, 2003
Take my blood Pt2
Well, after yesterdays farting around down in London, Jules eventually got her test sorted out with her GP and Lister Hospital. Hoorah!
No tickets, no queues, no bureaucracy
If only things were that simple before!
Posted by alan at 1:27 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 7, 2003
Take my blood - NOW!!!
Urghhhh! Why did we ever create bureaucracy?
Today was Jules ' 9am blood test. And leaving Stevenage on the first train after 7:45am you'd have thought we'd get there in plenty of time. But no, we found an extra 30 minutes of hanging about, delays, and ended up arriving at the Royal Free at 9:30am.
No go at the Blood room, so off to the ward to chat to the Sister. She told us to go straight back, explain that it had to be done BEFORE 10am otherwise it would be no good.
All's well, Jules gets booked in, walks straight past the queue of 30+ people, in to the room, and plonks herself onto a chair.
"Where's your ticket, love?", asks the nurse.
"I haven't got one, I need a hormone blood test, and it needs doing before 10am, which is why I've been allowed to push in." explains Jules
"That's nice", says the nurse, "but where's your ticket?"
"I haven't got one, there's not enough time to wait", says Jules .
"Oh, well, I'm sorry love, but without a ticket I can't do it"
I can't type what Jules said next, suffice to say, we were told to leave!
Posted by alan at 1:39 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
July 6, 2003
A Weekend in The Malvern Hills (or car)
Well, it wasn't my fault, but I doubt I'll be ever able to live it down. Be Prepared and all that. But this weekend just gone I somehow managed to forget to take the poles to the tent. So, much to Jules disgust, we slept in the car on Friday night. And at 9am, my wallet in hand, we, or rather Jules , purchased a new palacial tent for us both. And I put it up.
Pics will be available soon, in the extended bit.
Posted by alan at 10:34 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
July 2, 2003
Change in category?
You may have noticed a change in category yesterday. Well, if things HAD gone to plan Jules would be back at work now. But it appears everyone at Lister Hospital forgot she was due back. So, we sit and wait.... Oh, and go back to Out of Hospital!
Posted by alan at 12:44 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 29, 2003
Happy Birthday!
It was Jules mum's birthday meal last night. The whole family descended on the local Beafeater. And much merriment ensued
Unfortunately some of her cousins had a little more to drink than others...
The Beefeater's closed for now, redecoration you understand.
Posted by alan at 12:21 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 28, 2003
With the imminent return to work, it was time to shop, shop, shop. In Watford, with the spiral carparks, urgh... Makes you dizzy!
Guess what we bought!

Posted by alan at 4:29 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 27, 2003
6 Years Ago...
It's 6 years since Jules and I met, in a pub, down the High Street!
So we went out for a night on the town, the first in many months since the op and treatment. And what a night!
It was raining, just like 6 years ago. And we bumped into many of her friends, some she's not seen for many years.
A great night out, and yet another reason for us to organise a big bash for later in the year. A celebration of many things.
Posted by alan at 11:53 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 25, 2003
Invasion Pt 2
Well, the kitchen looks like a bomb hit it, upturned pots, and a mug smashed all over the floor.
Now, I say it's Jules fault for not tidying up and leaving all the washing out. And she say's it's my fault for locking the catflap so we could find out who the latest intruder was. In the words of a suffering TV show, YOU DECIDE !
Well, we found out alright, another neighbours cat, a psycho black one that shot up the stairs and leapt out of the bathroom window
Posted by alan at 2:05 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 24, 2003
We'll talk to the surgeon
How stupid is this? You arrange an appointment to see your Occupational Health person, 9am, today, expecting to be told when to come back, have a chat, etc...
That's what Jules was expecting. And so was I.
Oh no.
"We need to contact the surgeon first, goodbye"
Eh??? So what exactly have you done for the last 2 weeks?
The clock starts ticking - she'll be at her desk in 7 days time guys, you better sort out what you're doing before then.
Posted by alan at 12:16 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 21, 2003
Back on the Breezer's!
It was Lisa's 21st last night and we all went out for a slap up meal at one of the local pub's.
At the bar Jules brother, Chris, offers to buy a round. Imagine the surprise when Jules pipes up, "Err, I'll have a breezer please" !!
So, back on the drink, eating like a horse, and boogying the night away. Normality has returned
Posted by alan at 9:10 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 13, 2003
Back to work with you!
Well, having had her chat with the consultant today, Jules has been told to get back to work! So come 1 July she'll be back to early mornings once more.
"Not looking forward to that", was her only comment.
As for the detail, there are 3 options for treatment:
1) More surgery - least risky and most successful
2) Hormone therapy - showing good results in work they've done with other patients
3) Stereotactic radiotherapy - very focussed radiotherapy, of which you can have lots and lots without worry of what levels you've had in the past.
Posted by alan at 1:56 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 12, 2003
Unlucky for some
Tomorrow's the appointment for the surgeon, and Jules has only just realised what day it is.
"Ohhh no...", she said tonight, "You can bet something bad's going to happen with all the luck I've had so far..."
Posted by alan at 11:00 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 9, 2003
Invasion Pt1
"Is that Spitfire" was all I heard Jules say before she screamed. It would appear he's bringing home his girlfriends now.
We've always had problems with a cat from round the corner, popping in when it's raining and helping herself to some nosh. But another cat, asleep on the foot of the bed? What does he think he's playing at?
Posted by alan at 2:07 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 5, 2003
Wish You Were Here?
Well it'll be a few days into the holiday for The Don, Ruby, Ruth and Rims Noodle. Jetting off at the weekend, we didn't go this year, for obvious reasons.
It's a shame, as Jules can't remember much from last year. Memet's bar , the beers, clubbing (the best in the world!), and the food - portions beyond imagination and delight
Oh!. and the donor kebabs? To die for
Surfing the web found this place - Turunc. So we're not alone in thinking it was an enjoyable break from the rat race. And even Nirvana gets a mention here! The resort of Turunc in Turkey And for those wanting to give their "marks out of 10", try here - - Turunc Nightlife - they need piccies Sy !!
Wish We Were There? - Yes, definately. Bring us back some turkish delights guys
Posted by alan at 8:07 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
June 4, 2003
Well, it's my turn to be ill now. One day back at work and I've come down with a raging cold. As I described to Bob, it's like someone's ripped my throat out. Lemsips Max Strength on tap, a warm bed, and zero sympathy from Jules - "What's your excuse?, I've had a head op!!!"
Although I must admit, being inquisitive, I searched the web for Lemsips, and found this - Lemsip Max Strength Lemon Drink Read reviews and compare prices at The web's an amazing place!
Posted by alan at 6:19 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
June 3, 2003
I WANT to sleep
Fair enough, we've been jetting around for a few days, so Jules wanted to catch up on her sleep...
Jules enjoying what she loves best - SLEEP!">
Saying that, I had Monday off too, but then I was the one who'd driven over 800 miles in the last 4 days
Posted by alan at 12:42 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
June 2, 2003
Ding dong the bells do chime..
A weekend away in Cornwall as Jules and I continued our whistle stop tour of the UK!
Friends of ours, Pete and Amanda, were getting married in Polhawn Fort. Not quite realising how far this was, over 6 hours driving, we set off on the Friday, breaking our journey at Bristol. (extended entry, click away )
We stayed at Penmillard Farm along with some friends, a lovely place, only a stones throw from the fort. Funnily enough we were looking at their website at the pics, and saying, "I know it's nice, but our room won't look like that...". Well, here's a pic of our on-suite bathroom >
The fort itself was amazing, as the website shows. What a venue, set back into the cliff face, an ancient fort for fighting off the French and Spainish invaders. Although why this place faces off to the west and the US we can only speculate. Perhaps they knew something about the states we don't?
The wedding ceremony was held in the Napoleon Hall, a large cavern style place in the basement, with the local registrar and around 100 or so of Pete and Amanda's family and friends.
Then out to the gardens for drinkies, and Jules soon discovered she doesn't like Pimms...
The reception was up on the roof, so it was a climb back up the spiral stairs (not Jules favorite part of the Fort!). Unfortunately the weather had been pretty crappy upto the weekend, so a marque had been put up, making it a bit warm in the full glare of the afternoon sun. But the food and wine flowed, and the after dinner speeches were sooo funny, Pete's brother Phil spending 10 1/2 minutes on some of the lesser known parts of Pete's life
A mate of Pete's had a book running on the length of the speech, which Jules missed out on winning (over £60!) by 1/2 minute. Pete's mum won, much to everyone's call's for an investigation. It must've been a fix!
We then popped back for a surprise birthday curry for Amanda, and even managed to catch the grand prix, although you have to admit the facilities for watching it were top class
Then we set off back to Stevenage, hitting countless traffic jams, and an accident were a vintage car had left a trailer and disappeared into the central reservation
Our photos of the day are below:
Posted by alan at 10:04 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
We've Been Hacked!
Went to switch off the PC tonight, having added a few comments and drafts ready for publishing, and got the message:
"Brian Squires [SQUIRES] is logged onto your machine. Do you wish to log them off?"
Arrghhh!!! Quick visit to Zonealarms and get me firewall running again
Posted by alan at 9:21 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 31, 2003
Who Is Formy?
"So who is Formy?" Jules asked this morning. He keeps sending me postcards, this time from New Zealand of all places.
Do we have a stalker in our midst?
Posted by alan at 9:55 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 29, 2003
Choo! Choooo !
A surprise trip upto York followed by a steam train to Scarborough. Fish and chips how it should be, all cooked Northern style with proper fat like
Photo's in the extended entry, click away!
We left Stevenage early, much to Jules disappointment! ("I want to stay in bed, Zzz, Zzz, Zzz, Zzz...") Had a wander around York, found a pub or 2 and had a beer. Then back to the station for the royal send-off to Scarborough. Lots of people obviously knew about the steam loco, and turned up for pics and to wave us off. Jules was amazed
A great day out, and Jules enjoyed every bit, including the pate, cheese and biscuits - must take more next time Sy
Posted by alan at 11:19 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 28, 2003
You're discharged... (so no static shocks then?)
We've been to see the radiotherapist today to chat about Jules ' scans she had a fortnight ago. Basically because all appears well at the mo', and the risks of damage from having radiotherapy, they believe the best course of action is to keep an eye on things and if it suddenly grows out of control (highly unlikely we're told) they'll tackle it then. Oh, and if you've yet to get the hang of this, there's a link on the next line that takes you to the HUGE report on it all!!!
"But it's a malignant tumour, and it's nasty!"
With these tumours the biopsy can show a nasty high grade tumour, which Jules has, yet in reality it will exhibit the growth and spread of a low grade one, which it appears Jules one is doing. This explains why we've been told it's nasty, and it's not nasty. And also why they're suggesting wait and see rather than BANG BANG BANG with the radiotherapy treatment.
"Why no radiotherapy then?"
As for the reasoning behind no radiotherapy, the big problem for Jules is that she had about 30gray of radiotherapy to the brain when having the leukaemia treatment. And this only leaves another 30gray to tackle the current tumour, which they've calculated as being borderline. And their fear is that simply doing it because they can, JUST, it'll trip something up later on, in months, years time, and Jules will be suffering unecessarily.
So, we've an appointment with the surgeon in a fortnight's time, and then I guess she'll be popping back regularly for check-ups to make sure it's not going out of control and causing more problems. I'm assuming she'll have to undergo surgery again sometime in the future, but at the mo' I've not asked this since there's enough for her to tackle at the mo'.
Posted by alan at 9:43 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 27, 2003
Ring, ring.....ring, ring
If you're at a loose end anytime, give Jules a shout at home, she'll be happy for the call, given we've had a glut of bloody double glazing, gas, and bank telesales calling every day!!!!
Posted by alan at 11:46 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 26, 2003
Interpersonal Skills
Thanks to the wonders of the web we can keep in regular touch with people all over, including our great friend Chaz, who emigrated to the far side of the world a few years back.
On hearing the news and reading the site he made comment that he was glad to hear that Jules hasn't lost any of her interpersonal skills.
When I told Jules , she remarked, "Cheeky sh@~, what does he mean I've still got my f&^%ing interpersonal skills". Hmmm, point made I think
I have to agree with her mum that if it wasn't for us knowing her old quiet (ehem!) outspoken character there might be grounds for believing she's developed turrets syndrome. However we all know it's the old Jules coming back, maybe just a bit too strongly none the less
Posted by alan at 1:03 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 21, 2003
It's getting to a head. Jules wants lots of sleep, and we're all trying to get her up and about. And she ain't happy about this
Today, just before I left, she told me, "F&^% off, and don't come home until you've calmed down". Hmmmmm....
It's not like there's nothing for her to do. I mean, I've no clean clothes now
Posted by alan at 1:33 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
May 20, 2003
The surgeon described the meningioma as the same as a large grapefruit. And thanks to our friend, Sy, Jules now has one in the fridge.
For those without access to our fridge, here's a pic:
Also, more pics will appear in past and future posts so keep reading the archives!
Posted by alan at 8:29 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 19, 2003
A Killer Is On The Loose
Now, owning a cat is one thing, you get used to the little presents he brings in the house. Only last year he helped redecorate the front room with Dove down, much to the detrement of the former Collared Dove. It is an ex-dove, it is no more, etc....
But, when you've had serious surgery, and want your sleep, it doesn't help if your beloved pet brings in a bird, or 3
The killer, Spitfire, resting after another terror wreaking night on the tiles...
About 8am he brings in a blackbird, waking Jules , and wreaking havoc around the house, as the pics show.
The crap up the walls...
... up the door...
...feathers on the floor...
...and all over the window sill
The bird, shocked and ruffled, was quickly wisked to the vets, and released back later that day.
Of course, Spitfire then goes and grabs another 2 birds, chicks, on Sunday night, which we drop off to the vets.
Posted by alan at 1:28 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 16, 2003
Small is beautiful!
I think I've cracked the problem with the font sizes being nice and even at home and MASSIVE at work. So the site should all fit nicely on a 1048x768 screen, and even on 800x600, if anyone still has one of those!
Oh, and if you're ever bored, wondering if the rain's gonna stop (in the UK that is!), take a look at Posted by alan at 1:51 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 14, 2003
Off to the Royal Free again today for another MRI scan. A bit more scary than before, Jules says, the scanner was bigger and louder than the previous one. I could hear it from the receiption area.
But there was a nice Mancunian nurse to hold her hand for her, " He had a gorgeous accent", she told me on the way out
Hmmm, what with this and the bed baths I need to have a word. That's assuming she stops hitting me for being a pig trying to get her out of bed every day
Posted by alan at 10:38 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
May 11, 2003
A Weekend of Car Show
The biggest VW GTI show in the UK, if not Europe, hit Suffolk this weekend. Being on the Club GTI committee it was a natural assumption Jules and I would be actively involved doing something, well, except for the circumstances.
So Jules stayed at her Mum's whilst I went out and played with me cars
But, she didn't get out of it that easily, as the picture will show. Well, she couldn't stand and hand out programmes, but there was nothing stopping her stuff 'em!
Posted by alan at 11:38 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack
May 6, 2003
The landlord's agent's been round to inspect the house. All's fine, except the carpets. They need replacing, EXCELLENT !! So that's new windows, carpets, and an empty shed for storage. Best start moving those car bits out the house before Jules does ;-)
Posted by alan at 3:42 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
May 2, 2003
What Is It Then?
So it's a meningothelial meningioma
· malignant due to transitional pattern
· mitoses
· nuclear atypia
· necrosis
· brain invasion
(progesterone receptor + M18-1 > 10%)
Well, glad we've got THAT cleared up (???)
Posted by alan at 11:29 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 30, 2003
And another thing...
Jules is having a post-op clinic Friday the 13th of June, which is a long way away. So, given her sudden lack of enthusiasm (see earlier) and wish to stay in bed, we call to see what we can do about maybe moving the appointment closer.
"Oh, don't worry, it's normal for the appointment to be anything upto 8 weeks from discharge, but only in exceptional circumstances...."
Hmmm, Jules left on the 11 April, 8 weeks from that is 6 June....
Questions are mounting up, we need some answers...
Posted by alan at 9:07 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 28, 2003
Not good...
Well, the radiologist rang today and said Jules has had too much radiotherapy as a child to combat her leukaemia so can't have any now. "How will she feel about this?" she asks....
But hang on, the biopsy said it was nasty and needed twatting with some good ol' radiation...
So, if she can't have radiotherapy, surely she'll....
Hmmm, we need to talk...
Posted by alan at 6:03 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Back at work, urgh!
I don't ever remember feeling this knackered after 2 weeks off work. And I've forgotten ALL my passwords too. Not the best thing to do on a Monday, "Please hold, your call is important to us...", ARGGHHH !!!
Wasn't until having a coffee with someone in the office that reality was forced on me, "Well, it wasn't a normal 2 weeks off now, was it!"
Work, it's the rest I need from being at home. Now, must get onto Occupational Health about fitting that pillow to my chair...
Posted by alan at 1:43 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 27, 2003
Technology - Who'd Be Without It!
Isn't technology great? I mean, this weblog for example (ta Mr Sanderson, hope all went well!). And this get well greeting from our friends Carole, Paul and "Not-so-little" baby Danielle:
Thanks to everyone again for their kind thoughts.
Posted by alan at 11:04 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 26, 2003
Take A Walk On The Wild Side!
Well the forecast April showers never turned up. So Jules and I went down the Fairlands Valley Park a place the size of a small town, slap bang in the centre of concrete Stevenage.
Forced into this Jules was none too happy. But it seems the cramps and swelling is going down the more exercise she does.
Oh, and will everyone stop staring before she slaps someone!!
Posted by alan at 10:01 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
April 25, 2003
Click-ity Click
Jules was saying earlier today that she's been suffering from what she thought was jaw clicking. Well, a quick surf around the sites we've found already and this comes up:
So, the clicking's her scalp, urghhh !!
Posted by alan at 11:55 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
April 23, 2003
The Oncology Clinc
Well today was the meeting with the radiologist. And a chance to look once again at the MRI scans.
IT WAS HUGE. There is no other way of describing it. Strangely fascinating and yet frightning all at the same time. A section of the head behind the right eye, the size of quarter of the brain. It grew from underneath and to the side, covering a HUGE space. Clench your fists and hold them together at the wrists. THATS BIG!!
The remaining bits are stuck around the back of the lower brain, and optical nerve going to the right eye, and not far from the left eye which, if left alone, it could eventually envelope. For that reason alone it will need radiotherapy, as if it grows further toward the left eye it could affect Jules eyesight altogether.
Bad news, and good news I suppose. Bad, as Jules I know ain't looking forward to the radiotherapy. And good, in so far as there's a lot gone already. Just a bit left to get out.
"Can't we put some bugs in there to eat it away?", was Jules reaction and question. It's a shame that's not possible, as the therapy, probably 3-4 weeks of it, will take a lot out of her. Being punched in the stomach without the pain of the punch, but all the winding, is what she said it was like as a child.
Posted by alan at 8:51 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
Thought we'd post up some of the big dates in Jules recent times, so it makes the weblog appear to be around for much longer than it has been. Like an online diary before it was actually on-line ;-)
So the first post was on 13 April, but there's stuff in the archives now!
Posted by alan at 12:48 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Bloomin' Marvellous!
All the plants are blooming now.
More pictures at:
Jules Flowers
click on the link Jules Flowers and Jules Bunch of Flowers
Posted by alan at 12:08 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 22, 2003
What Does It All Mean?
Good question. But thanks to the power of the web we can find out the answers to just about everything...
Interesting reads I'm sure you'll agree!
Posted by alan at 12:06 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 20, 2003
Time to redecorate
Been fiddling with the background stuff here, see what colours look like.
We're also allowed to redecorate the house now that the landlord's been round. Oh, and new windows and doors are on the cards, at least when she's recovered. Ripping out the windows and doors with her in the state she's in, I don't want to be the fitters if they decide to come round soon!!!
Let us know if the scheme's to your liking!!
Posted by alan at 8:30 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Happy Easter!
So whilst Jules and my Mum stayed at home, the Brothers Bell hit the Stevenage Old Town, along with Jules younger brothers, Stu and Chris.
A curry, home, and hangover. Another Easter gone!
Pictures here!
Brothers In Arms, ready for a night on the town!
After another drink, Ian's chucked out once again....!
Posted by alan at 9:46 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 18, 2003
I never... Did I?
Jules memory's, understandably, taken a bit of a bashing. She can't remember things. All part of the recovery we're assured.
For example, my surprise 30th birthday party last year. Or how she came to own a new pair of Whinny The Pooh pyjamas. "And do I like Beef?", much to Ian's annoyance...
Of course, it does have some advantages. She can't remember my birthday, so doesn't know what she got me. Oh, and the dinner I owe her and Sy has slipped her mind too ;-) And all those episodes of Friends? A complete 8 series marathon awaits, well, at least until her memory returns.
Posted by alan at 8:27 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
April 17, 2003
Extended Holiday...
Well, work has been extremely accomodating in allowing me time off to look after Jules . And we couldn't have picked a better time. The weather is glorious!!
All Jules relatives and friends have been sending in flowers, many thanks to all. And with the money I've gone and splashed out on some plants to go in the garden. Which has been easy given the time on my hands to do it.
So, open invitation to everyone, pop in, have a coffee, and sit out in the garden. Because you can now, thanks mainly to Sy for clearing the shed into the loft. Fingers crossed the ceiling holds now !!
Posted by jules at 12:17 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
10 Rounds with Mike Tyson
Everyone's asking Jules what it feels like, now she's out of hospital and at home. Well,
"It's like having been 10 round with Mike Tyson"
which, given the circumstances, and the fact she's home after just over 1 week recovery from an op compared to that of open heart surgery, I think we need to get her trained up and ready for her challenge bout !
Posted by jules at 12:12 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack
April 14, 2003
We're playing
A new toy, and lots of time on our hands to play with it!
Posted by jules at 2:23 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack
April 13, 2003
First post!
Test post to check this is working. Which, it appears from first sight, it does.
Posted by jonathan at 10:45 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack