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November 04, 2003
quantum disentanglement
By and large by enlarging the canvas [or panel in my case] I can reduce the impact of the brush stroke, thus foiling quantum entanglement at a super-molecular level, while still maintaining it as part of the process. I don’t want to deny the method, the actual action of painting. I want the painting to be seen to be done.This could be called deconstructivist, or even post-modern [if anyone knew what post-modern was].
Just to take the particle physics metaphor to its illogical conclusions: initially the paintings should exist in two states, the painted surface and the implied image. [Heisenberg might have been here before me but I’m uncertain]. Eventually the paintings will exist in three states simultaneously, the painted surface, the implied image and the applied text – so pick the bones out of that Herr Schrodinger.
Posted by john at November 4, 2003 04:50 PM
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