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November 07, 2003
model required
2 girls needed as life models for Arts Council funded project. One day a week, £5.00 / hour
[Huddersfield Daily Examiner 5.11.03]
“This is John Coombes, please leave a message, thank you”
“Hello, my name is – pppffffff!!”
CLICK brrrrrrrrrrrrr
“This is John Coombes, please leave a message, thank you”
CLICK brrrrrrrrrrrrr
“John Coombes, hello”
“It’s about the advert – is it nude?”
“Yes. That’s what life model means”
“Oh, well, you’re alright”
CLICK brrrrrrrrrrrrr
“Hello, you left a meassage on my answerphone about the advert in the paper”
“No I didn’t!”
“Is that Linda Mardy?
“Well you left a message about the life modelling”
“The what?
“I’m looking for a life model”
“The ba -!!”
“John Coombes, hello”
“Your advert in the paper, does it mean taking your clothes off?”
“Oh, huh, [GIGGLING IN BACKGROUND] heeeuh ah!”
CLICK brrrrrrrrrrrrr
Posted by john at November 7, 2003 08:27 AM
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