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November 19, 2003


Criticism, n - process of judging merits of artistic work; expression of unfavourable opinion, pointing-out of faults.

But criticism can be helpful, why it has such negative associations I don't know. Positive criticism or constructive criticism is often a vital part of the creative process. As an artist I have learnt to look at my own work critically. It is often a battle to remain positive in the face of such personal output, but it can be done.

There are those who feel external criticism of any kind is useless.

“The works you see are segments of my working life. If you prefer one work over another, it is your privilege, but it does not interest me. The work is a statement of identity, it comes from a stream, it is related to my past works, the three or four works in progress and the work yet to come. I will accept your rejection but I will not consider your criticism any more than I will concerning my life”

David Smith - sculptor

Posted by john at November 19, 2003 09:00 AM

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