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November 20, 2003
the balance
It’s a fine balance. A balance between the doing of it and the thinking of it. Sometimes it’s a fight to find the balance between what I can do and what I want to do. I believe it is in that struggle where the key to expression is likely to be found.
If you just go on doing the same thing day after day, week after week [mind-numbing boredom aside] it doesn’t go anywhere. It ceases, pretty quickly, to be an expression of feeling and become a production line of the same old tricks. No matter how good the tricks are, they are still just tricks.
To move on you must explore [boldly split infinitives where no infinitives have been split before]. You must allow yourself to fail in order to have a chance at success. The important thing is to be trying.
Posted by john at November 20, 2003 11:10 AM
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