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November 20, 2003
the passion
The thinking of it is the passion. The joy of the urge to make marks, to capture an image and its associated emotions, to put some moment down for ever, to try and communicate what I feel about what I see.
To be able to do this, to be able to express feelings and communicate them, a new language has to be learnt, a visual language. This in itself takes some time and should, most certainly, be an ongoing process. But the execution of the language can often get in the way of the expression. The intensive nature of some of the skills can serve to deaden the passion.
An artist needs to be sensitive enough to create the initial idea, then practical enough to do it. You need to swap hats regularly between this sensitivity and the practicality, to keep the idea driving through the physical process of making the piece. I find working on more than one picture at once, each being at different stages, can help me maintain the passion.
In the Unstuck project I am attempting to combine the act of making marks with the sensitivity of the creation. Not hiding the marks themselves; the notes I write to myself, the initial reference, the actual brush strokes and the nature of the oil paint. To be seen to be doing it, perhaps. Am I therefore a de-constructivist? Or [heaven forfend] a post-modernist?
Answers, on a postcard please, to… – oh, you can just click below.
Posted by john at November 20, 2003 11:41 AM
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