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November 25, 2003
the parapet
Safe painting, in the way I know I can, is keep your head down, cosy, warm, comfortable and hummmm - round the fire with thick socks and a cup of tea - painting.
And nothing happens. I know where I’m going and I get there. No risks, safe. No edge.
The Unstuck Paintings are different – they’re dangerous. I’m sticking my neck out, sticking my head above the parapet, and I’m saying: this is what I think, this is what I feel [this is what I have noticed about the world around me and the people in it].
I don’t know where I’m going. It’s frightening [terrifying]. It’s certainly risky, safe it ain’t. Some might not work. But that’s where the edge is. And that’s where I’m heading.
The readings for today, at one six double oh:
Flux Level: High, still good; becoming moderate, rising again later.
Posted by john at November 25, 2003 04:32 PM
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