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March 18, 2004
nearly unstuck
A successful opening to the show at the art market, Leeds [143 Wakefield Road, Gildersome]. Sold eight paintings – can’t wait to become totally unstuck.
Looking at your work in a gallery context is very different from seeing it in the studio in amongst the paints. The pictures that work are the pictures that I look at in the show and say: “did I do that?” - the pictures that have left me and set up life on their own. They have to spend a good deal of time lurking in the corners of the studio to gain this independence, it has to be said, though for some it comes easy and for others it’s a struggle. Some don’t make it at all and suffer endless indignities at the mercy of the white primer.
I am pleased with the Unstuck nature of the paintings in the show.
Posted by john at March 18, 2004 06:20 PM
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