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April 10, 2004
maintaining the thought
I have a thought, it is complete, all that remains is to execute it.
This might take some time.
Preparation must needs be put in place; surfaces worked on, composition assessed, materials chosen [dancers found, camera crew hired]. Throughout this the thought must be maintained, the original impulse, the first passion that created the idea.
To have the thought in the first place I have to be receptive to what is around me. Then I have to switch off a bit, to maintain the thought. That is where the studio comes in, it must a place of work, as well as a place of inspiration – two purposes, one space. If I am getting new thoughts as I’m working on the first thought then nothing gets done, but if I shut down the receptors completely then only blandness ensues.
A dilemma: an artist needs to be sensitive enough to have the thought, then practical enough to produce it. A trilemma, if the truth be known: sensitive enough to have the thought, practical enough to produce it, then thick-skinned enough to sell it.
Posted by john at April 10, 2004 02:05 PM
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