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August 02, 2004
The road to involvement
Painting is about being involved.
But not a disconnected, scientific, analytical, oh-look,-it’s-time-for-lunch involvement. No, with a model in the studio and paint on the brushes, it is, for a few hours at a time, a whole life lived by the moment.
It is a connected relationship, beyond science, beyond formality, beyond sexuality and off into that wondrous place, where the muse lies supine: the righthandside of the brain. The alpha-state that, suppressing the longwinded, laborious, labelling of the lefthandside, lets the essence of what is seen and felt flood the body with inspiration and an unstoppable passion to put it down in paint.
And like any altered brain state it takes some getting there. Made all the more difficult by the fact that the lefthandside doesn’t want you there in the first place. Like trying to avoid an alien invasion it constantly changes the signposts so the road is never the same twice, and there are no maps.
Posted by john at August 2, 2004 12:24 PM
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