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August 09, 2004
In the cellar
That’s where the unstuck work is kept, in the cellar.
Through the old wooden door that isn’t opened much, down the damp untrodden steps, and the flaking lime washed walls, onto the cold stone-flagged floor, past the musty isinglass stained pot, past the broken glass peeling window frame and the rust encrusted grate. Through the dark, cold, thick, frightening air, to the corner where the flagstone is missing and the clear water runs under the house.
There a four year old boy stands on stone looking at the underground stream, thinking thoughts as clear as the water, appearing and disappearing in the breath-catching, naughty you-shouldn’t-be-down-here torch lit corner.
That’s where the unstuck work is. Stacked up in the strange room under the walled up stairs.
Posted by john at August 9, 2004 10:47 AM
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