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August 12, 2004
The doing of it…
There’s the craft of it. The skill: choosing the size and proportion of the panel and then making the panel. Preparing surfaces, priming, sanding. The mixing of paints, knowing about transparent pigments, opaque pigments, genuine turpentine, linseed oils, sun thickened oils, drying times and siccatives, fugitive colours.
There’s the practise of it. Drawing the figure regularly, learning how it is, how the muscles and bones are, how the light falls on the surfaces. Learning which colours give what effect.
Then there’s the it itself. When the craft is complete and the skills are at hand, when the practise comes easy then, with the brain suitably distracted and the brushes loaded, then, sometimes, if the wind is in the right direction, then, it happens [so long as it’s not half-day closing obviously].
Posted by john at August 12, 2004 05:03 PM
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