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August 30, 2004
Searching for significance
It’s hard to see feelings as significant. From the inside what I feel seems nothing unusual – to me, obviously, I’m feeling the feelings. My own feelings can feel insignificant. So it’s hard to value an expression of personal feelings.
It’s easier to look at what others are doing and gain value from them: borrowed significance. But this is clearly not true expression, and results in pictures of tulips or soggy landscapes or [heaven forefend] Scottie dogs in tartan ribbons.
Unless of course Scottie dogs in tartan ribbons are deeply significant in your life – in which case don’t paint: do Crufts.
In 1975 German artist, Joseph Beuys, walked round the edges of a dilapidated room in The Poorhouse, Edinburgh, holding a blackened cooking pot up above his head. This was called ‘the 3 Pots Action’. It meant something to him. Others were left to ruminate on the significance. In 1976 he represented Germany in the Venice Biennale. That’s significance for you.
And that’s it really: it must mean something to you. After that it’s just opportunity and good PR.
Posted by john at August 30, 2004 10:10 PM
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