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September 10, 2004

Trouble at t’ studio

With apologies to the good people of Yorkshire, much maligned by comics everywhere.

It’s tricky stuff this art business. Should get myself affiliated to the Incorporated Union of Industrial Oil Painters then I’d be able to go down the club of a Friday night and drown my sorrows with fellow artists...

Myself: “Bin down t’studio all day, raight ‘ard, it wo’ an’all”
Fellow Artist: “aye, lad, there’s nowt but trouble down t’studio”
Myself: “fo’ty sen on us, wo’kin’ in t’dark, wi nowt but nude women fo’ comp’ny”
Fellow Artist: “aye lad, folk don’t know the like”
Myself: “an’ at my easel, there wus jus’ me, n’bd’y else, jus’ me, tha could ‘ear bloody clock tickin’. Well tha could’ve ‘eared blood clock tickin’ if bloody music weren’t so loud.”
Fellow Artist: “aye. Lad, there’s summat in wat tha sez”

[Is there?]

Posted by john at September 10, 2004 04:32 PM

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