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October 19, 2004
The folding stuff
Trying to gather enough of the folding stuff to put shoes on the feet of the children, by painting alone, is hard. Some would say well-nigh impossible.
Especially when painting seven foot high, five foot wide, larger than life nudes.
So, in the absence of knavery, other means must need be sought to bring home the bacon. These can range from the mildly artistic endeavours of book layout and illustration to teaching and even the occasional piece of writing.
All this means that I’m away from the palette, and I miss it. But on the upside, when I get back to it, there is usually a flurry of activity, a frenzy of painting, you can’t keep a painter from his paint for too long.
[letter arrives from Headmaster questioning the practicalities of sending youths to school in bare feet]
Posted by john at October 19, 2004 09:16 AM
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