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November 15, 2004

Time was

Here I sit in the midst of the twenty-first century, with twentieth-century communications [keep up technologie, come on, keep up] [just tell me the keys to press Jonathan, and I’ll be there] and, hell, I’m still in touch.

The artist’s studio is still populated as it was in the fifteenth century. Not with real people, as it was then when real people contributed to the whole, but populated in a sub-ethereal way with text messages and e-mail.

Not a bad thing.

Time was they were all there, playing the viola [c’mon Charlotte] tapping out the beat of the picture with a well-turned cuff and a tricky strawberry nipple - if that was what was desired: the conspirators, the patrons, the sycophants, the admirers, the pupils. Grouped in an oft claustrophobic presence.

Then they disappeared, disappeared up their trug-bearing middle class arseholes. But now, with the coming of the age of Aquarius, they are all here again, god bless them.

Thank you for being here – you know who you are [if you’re in doubt at this point, don’t worry - you’re important]

Posted by john at November 15, 2004 05:49 PM

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