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November 30, 2004

Sticky traditions

Good painting is Unstuck Painting. What is bad painting? Painting is not like maths, it’s not RIGHT or WRONG. It either works or it doesn’t work. If a painting doesn’t work, then it could be said to be bad painting; as the purpose of the marks on the support is to communicate something. If it doesn’t get its message across, it doesn’t work, if it doesn’t work, maybe it’s because of bad painting.

first find your message – what is it you’re trying to say?

Time was, [oh, yes, time always was] a painter must needs attain a level of realism in their work for it to be even considered. But now, with the camera and digital dickery, the painter has been freed, [see Monet onwards].

But that makes it difficult to determine the process. Freedom is all very well but when someone is given freedom what’s the first thing they look for? A hint of tradition, to give their work some foundation. And with Traditional Foundations you’re halfway to becoming Stuck.

Posted by john at November 30, 2004 03:20 PM

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