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December 07, 2004

Not painting

Not painting can be a good thing. During a time spent not painting a huge wave of painterly energy builds up. When eventually time allows the oil paint to come out the wave breaks and the paint comes alive in my hands.

Too long not painting is not good, because, unlike that ability to balance on a tubular steel frame suspended between two circular pneumatic tubes wrapped round metal rims held at an equal distance from a hub by an ingenious array of spokes, it is possible to forget how to paint.

This isn’t forgetting how to pick up a brush dib it in some sticky colour and smear the result on a flat surface. It’s forgetting how to forget. The ideal state for painting is to forget all about it and try to achieve a balance where the eye delivers its message directly to the hand without any unnecessary interference from that over-complicated organ: the brain.

Posted by john at December 7, 2004 08:31 AM

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