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March 03, 2005
Sol LeWitt's drawing
Buried somewhere in the juicy heart of Alan Fletcher's fantastic book "The Art Of Looking Sideways" is a story about Sol LeWitt selling, for tens of thousands of dollars, at an auction in New York, the right for the purchaser to draw 11,000 pencil lines on a wall. It would be a Sol LeWitt work, but Sol LeWitt didn't do it, he just had the idea and sold that. Nice work if you can get it. Mind you Bridget Riley didn't paint a lot of her paintings, and as for Titian - well! He had a studio full of assistants doing drapery and grass and clouds and such. Your man often only did hands and faces.
I can talk, as I write, Rosie, my studio assistant is busy painting for me:
Posted by john at March 3, 2005 04:52 PM
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