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March 15, 2005

nervous marks

“You can always tell a great painting because when you get close there are all these nervous marks.” Damien Hirst quoted in The Times yesterday.


I certainly feel a sense of trepidation when setting off on the long journey of a painting. But when I’m actually making the marks I can’t say I feel nervous. I am searching for a means to convey what I’m seeing. I am trying to do something, not just pushing paint. When you try you don’t always succeed and the record of my success and failure is in the painting.

A great painting has nervous marks because a great painting is one that is expressing an emotion, and it’s not an easy feat.

Incidentally Damien Hirst went to school with Daphne Franks' brother.

Posted by john at March 15, 2005 10:58 AM

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