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March 22, 2005

cutting the mustard

As I get close to the edge I am letting go. My rational brain tells me to keep well away from the edge. It’s not safe! You may fall! My emotionally inquisitive brain tells me to go further, to get as close as I can to the edge, regardless of the dangers. It’s a balance between skill and passion.

Like when you lean back on a bar stool, balancing on the back legs, and sway slightly back and forth then suddenly missing a beat and dropping and catching yourself before you fall. I don’t want a drawing to look ‘perfect’ or ‘finished’, I want it to look like it might not work, I want it to look messy, I want it to be slightly flawed, I want it to have life.


Apollinaire said
“Come to the edge”
“It is too high”
“Come to the edge”
“We might fall”
“Come to the edge”
And they came
And he pushed them
And they flew


Posted by john at March 22, 2005 05:17 PM

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