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March 25, 2005

life in the studio

A busy week painting and drawing; working on exisiting pieces and starting new ones. I work on several pictures at once, so that none get 'flat'. Work too long on a piece and it will lose its energy.

I'm working on about eight pictures at the moment, plus some illustrations for a book on Dick Turpin [which is another story for another time]. More about the pictures I'm working here.


It can be frustrating as the models come and go and I want to paint more and more of each of them. But it's better to have too much work and too many ideas than not enough of either, I guess.

The more I paint the more I want to paint. When I am with oil-struck brushes in hand, looking at the play of light on a figure, I see more and more and feel like I am flying and could paint for ever. The truth is I get exhausted, and when the model's gone I usually collapse in the big chair and sleep for 25 minutes.


No more - just twenty five minutes.

Posted by john at March 25, 2005 04:11 PM

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