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March 30, 2005
For years I’ve wanted to paint a walking figure. I started by wanting to paint a standing figure, and I’m getting there with that; but a walking figure is harder. To get the sense of movement and power is difficult.
Walking is about being out of balance. Standing is in balance, everything is in equilibrium. To start walking you must move out of that equilibrium and start to fall; then the leg goes out, the fall is stopped and [hey] you’ve moved forward a bit. Walking is falling and stopping, falling and stopping, in balance out of balance.
The figure looks awkward for most of the walking movement. I’m trying to catch just the beginning or end of the out of balance bit.
Eventually I’ll paint a running figure,
but I don’t want to run before I can walk.
Posted by john at March 30, 2005 09:19 AM
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